2024-03-18 at 9:24 AM UTC
i posted a thread on reddit
i mean having regular sex and going out with a 16 yr old at 39 imo is more moral than bootleg on facial abuse at 50 or whatever he is doing what he does to 18 yr olds yet i dont se them saying shit about him do you michael myers or scron?
2024-03-18 at 9:23 AM UTC
i posted a thread on reddit
michael myers, if they hate the fact that the age of consent is 16 in majority of world including some usa states why dont they change it or make petitions ot their local govts to change it? why make lies up or resort to name calling when they cant have their way and know the truth is on my sie and everything i want is legal and more moral than dudes pissing in girls mouths on porn or cattle prodding them on facial abuse? much more immoral stuff regarding sex occurs in the world than me fucking a 16 yr old man.
i met and had sex with who was slightly chubby here in Lodz? And who said she started to do hooking when she was 13 but it was all about the money only then? I forgot to tell you guys i made a new instagram to cotnact her to beg her to start coming over for sex again (btw i never paid her and she said she used to do that or quit and was looking for a relationship). But I remember even she told me that in poland they dont really change ages or age play in other countries they do or dont mind age difference.” she said this literally like this/. in other countries yes its just in this country they dont age play. but she didnt use age play as the word she said it in a diff way in polish such as with diff ages get together or hook up or some shit. this is guys why i hate poland so much. why dont they age play like in other countries i mean she even admitted this depsite knowing iw as 38 and being 16 she basically told me thats probably why i have a ahrd time here or hard time meeting younger chicks but she didnt mind it basically. but was one of the few guys just one of the few know what im sayin? know what im sayin here?
2024-03-17 at 10:46 PM UTC
i posted a thread on reddit
"I have heard of cases where a man in say his 20's or even 30 was interested in a young person perhaps became attracted to while they were young, by young I mean teens. as in 15, 16, and they felt that they should just offer friendship not let their own feelings be known until the person they cared for had a chance to be enjoy being a kid, and grow up to know their own minds and so waited until that "kid" was out of college, then the when the younger person was 22 that 10 to 18 year age difference didn't really seem to be an issue. Both have live some kind of life, while the younger persons experiences in life were shorter they could look at and go into the relationship with the maturity and experience of an adult. Not as a child who was programed to go into that relationship.
If he really loves this girl, then he will back off, let her grow up, remain friends with her parents so he can be in touch at times, send her birthday gifts, but he needs to back off and let her enjoy being a child, then a teen, and then when she is 18 to 22 he can come into her life both will have the experience of the 6 to 10 years to let them both make better informed choices.
At 12 surely it is easier to manipulate her choices than if she were older. That can't be healthy for her."
2024-03-17 at 10:32 PM UTC
i posted a thread on reddit
scron seem,s rpetty dumb s well here btw just like those morons.
2024-03-17 at 3:59 PM UTC
i posted a thread on reddit
there is no argument i zlready posted another thread in the main post here or op whowing others on there fuck or egt with 16 yr olds they didnt call out or had a problem with. so scron whats ur argument tht they ar ehypocrytes or what is it?
2024-03-17 at 3:03 PM UTC
ur opinions of this girl?
name me one thing better in life than this?