Originally posted by CandyRein
Wario ..I’m 40 but you look like you’re 40..I’ve seen you stop lol
that snot syaing much considering im 39. but again doesnt she look helal old for 19? ir when she did the oldje scenes at 19 didnt she look more like 29?
i dont have to lie like you or attention whore. why would i lie to myself? Id simply not post here. you on the other hand are tlaking about other people and lying too. thats what makes you and every female garbage. putos.
i dont understand why peop0le like you or leirs exist. whats the point of going on an agegap reddit and lying claiming the age of consent is everywhere in the world 18 when you deep down know it isnt? whats the point online saying it is when you know your lies wont mean anything in relaity where it isnt?
or do you have really horrible math skills and it dont add up how 15 yrs ago i would be deported four years ago or are you just plkaying stupid or are you stupid?
you still lied you are a nobody your not the police. why lie to yourself or others? again gieve me one good thing it does for your life or ego or self esteem?
i mean for me it doesnt matter you can lie all you want when i know the truth but how doe slying help you in any way whatsoever or in the eys of the lord?