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Posts by HadrianusAugustus

  1. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood aweats poltard

    basket weaving featherless biped
  2. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood wats chug

    comfy happening in ukraine general because audra is a resident poltard
  3. Originally posted by Crisolis I got an A in English this semester. I’m also learning Portuguese. It’s your first and only language and you still suck. Kill yourself

    Literalmente a única cena acertada que disseste até agora, porque de resto são só vergonhas.

    I'm @kafkas room right now right now right now right now right now

  4. really makes you think
  5. Originally posted by Kafka Yeah he's not gonna get anywhere.

    Very slimy of you, but I stand by my words and never said anything other people couldn't see
    Another day another dollar
  6. Every day i wake-up
    30x mountain climbers
    30x push-ups
    30x bycicle crunches
    1x lemon water
  7. Originally posted by Crisolis Everyone’s misogynistic. If you want to accuse someone of being an alt at least look at the text patterns. They’re not similar at all

    I'm actually going to pretend to be a fox alt from now on just so kafka gets even more confused. I don't know, maybe I am in your closet already AHAHAHA
  8. Originally posted by Kafka That's fucking creepy how he just changed like that saying he wanted to mentor the girl, switching to wanting to enjoy watching her turn into a cam whore, then the attempted virtue signalling.

    Is this "fox" entity in the room with us right now sweaty? Did the angel numbers tell you to take your meds yet? At best you could call me a newfag but's amazing how you have 1 (one) intrusive thought and you just let it run wild in your head, you never stop to question how retarded your own thoughts are. Your head must be a fun place. What meds do you take for your histrionic schizophrenic personality disorder? Nohting of what I said is conflicting but I am expecting too much from a bunch of retards THAT DON'T KNOW HOW TO READ.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i didnt read either of their nonce rants lmao but I could tell it wasn't copy pasted

    10/10 response I can tell just by gleaning at it but yeah no i'm not gonna read a nonce cope defense. Deleted his account, that's really all there is to say.

    Everyone who deleted your account raise your hand, oh wait nobody here? just Fox? sounds good. Not even wariat deleted his account for all the deranged stuff he says here basically admitting to crimes in polane

    AH sweet schizo delusions, another one with a fried brain that doesn't know how to fucking read. Maybe if you had read the posts you would notice the different writing styles.

  9. Originally posted by Meikai I'm coming back as a woman in my next life and having kids with you Hairyanus. I'm going to leave you and take the kids with me, and never let you see them again. I am going to drain you emotionally and financially until you kill yourself, and your kids will spit on your grave because I've told them nothing but lies about you for 15 years. You can't stop this.

    Never say never, bitch.

    He was a man even in his rape fantasies lmaoooooooooooo how can you lie to yourself this bad
    Masterful gambit sir
  10. I wish you a very pleasant 41% in minecraft troon

    Post hard drive

  11. Originally posted by Meikai ftfy
    dilate harder
  12. Originally posted by Kafka Looks like Fox/Hadrianus is virtue signalling now to try and erase his red flag. Which won't work. What he said is true though.

    meds, now
  13. Originally posted by Crisolis Just say you want my nudes 🙄

    cope seethe dilate

    formerly chuck's
  14. Originally posted by Crisolis Make me fear being here, rn im just bored so i go on here

    Your biggest sin is being an insufferable and annoying kid. Being an anachan and consuming online brain rot has really poisoned your brain, I hope that when CPS comes for you they make a national example out of you as to why kids shouldn't be online. They should put your so acclaimed nudes on every social media registering page like when they put cancer picture on tobacco produts so that other naive kiddos know what they look like when they choose to act like retards. Continuous exposure to extreme content will desensitize you and that's why you view innapropriate and dangerous interactions as innocent. I'm giving you more than what you deserve because plenty of people have warned you already but have fun reading these stories. If ptsd for life doesn't scare you you are dummer and even more retarded than what I imagine.

    Your enablers might have told you that you are special, mature for your age, different, whatever it is, you should know that the only thing "boring" here is how stereotypical you act. Childish and gullible retards like you are dime a dozen.

    If your parents are neglecting you, you can call cps yourself instead of making a clown of yourself here. I hope kafka archives your posting history.

  15. Originally posted by Crisolis Im not ruining my life, im just having a bit of fun in my free time. I dont base my entire life on online encounters. Im also not extremely retarded when it comes to engaging with sexual shit, if someone wants pictures from me they most likely wont receive now. I learned my lesson, most of what i say is for a reaction like you said

    The problem here is that you have poor judgement and you can't measure the consequences of "a bit of fun", aka sending nudes to geriatric men, asking for drugs, seeking validation, self-harming for attention, and the list goes on. You think humoring retards online is inconsequential and don't understand anything about internet culture in general, you should google geoguessing for a taste.

    How old is your e-boyfriend discord kitty?
  16. Originally posted by Kafka I swear I'm never having children.

    Empty egg carton even if you wanted
  17. I don't think it's ok for her to be here, we simply can't stop her. She is also not the helpless abused angel that needs YOU to save her. She purposely says things for shock value and is willingly destroying her future, and continues to choose to engage with sexual content despite being warned. No one is above the circumstances they find themselves in.

    Enjoy the show
  18. Originally posted by Kafka Who have we got on the list now:

    Fox, done a runner.
    Kof, in possession of cp, introduced a child to a place he knew is full of misogynists and pedofiles, doesn't care about child abuse.
    Hadrianus, trying to gaslight everyone into thinking it's okay for her to be here, is really a misogynist and wants to hurt the girl and get off on it.

    "Gaslit gatekeep girlboss" -Lieutenant Kafka, Tard Unit Internet Defence Force Special Ops
  19. Originally posted by Kafka Your answers have dug you into a deeper hole.

    Alright internet defence force soldier, your 'tism is a precious asset on this fight
  20. Originally posted by aldra I have no idea what prompted lanny to make that a wordfi'lter in the first place

    I was surprised too lmao but it's actually funny

    Originally posted by Kafka You shouldn't even be okay with talking to a 14 year old online.

    I'm not, but you will derrail the conversation and misrepresent whatever I say. No one likes that the minimum age on most apps is 13, but it is a fact that kids will encounter degen content so parental responsability and common sense should be emphasized. I actually think you did well in reporting this, but your answers tell me it's time for you to take the meds.

    Originally posted by Kafka You think someone not turning a blind eye to child abuse is virtue signalling? You've really shown your colours.
    No, my point is that she is complicit in her own abuse. In a decade she will cry rape but it will be too late.
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