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Posts by Broseph Stalin

  1. NO U ARE
  2. Taking time off from what job, exactly?
  3. Tits out for….. Paul Blart solidarity?
  4. Originally posted by Warcry
    I mean, either way, hopefully you get trapped in a house fire soon
  5. Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy Why the fuck would anyone do that
    What, are you some kinda pinko commie??
    Selling your body/booty is the most elementary building block of a free-market, capitalist society. It’s a privately owned means of production whose value is governed by both reinvestment of earned capital, and market saturation.
    A real apple pie American would be proud to purchase kinky hookers and lab grade herion at Walmart.
  6. There’s absolutely no way this is for real
  7. Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy settle down…fake and gay these days and honestly it always was. Bolshevism and the Bohemian Scene was just a bunch of pretentious shit of pulling the wool over the eyes of the very sheep that wore it while stealing the money from their mattress.

    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy pretentious shit[heads] … pulling the wool over the eyes of … sheep
    I mean, agreed….

    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy Bolshevism and the Bohemian Scene
    Aight then hit me with some underground lit re: anti-ML
  8. Originally posted by ner vegas I really like Borges if short stories are your thing
    Borges ‘Book of Imaginary Beings’
    Short stories play well for bedtime reading because there’s a chance I’ll finish before passing out

    Originally posted by Packet A Serbian Film
    Christ I forgot this was a thing. Seems watchlist-y…..

    Originally posted by Packet Protocols
    Fake, gay, or fact….it’s censored, so:

    My ThriftBooks cart is getting beefy.
    Good stuff though. Keep ‘em coming
  9. How the fuck can you be marginally articulate sometimes and then completely forget how to use a spac eb a r others?
    Does that polish midgrade ice really get you so goddam twaCked you can’t remember how to type??

    Sorry to engage
    I’m sure that’s what you want, but
    EAT SHIT and DIE, please
  10. I haven’t read any Balzac, but will put it on the list stat.
    You say Eugenie is rough, how so?
  12. Any suggestions for actually subversive/suppressed books? Any search of WWW brings up the usual lame ass suspects (which are common to all high school libraries) eg. Gatsby, F.451, WrathGrapes (fuck Stienbeck), blah blah blurg. I thinking more along the lines of THIKAL/PHIKAL, Industrial Society, Dorner's manifesto, things of the get-on-watchlist-for-purchsing nature. Well planned censorship comes as an erosion, eventually creating a new form that masks there ever having been anything to miss. We are fed the illusion that the internet has created unlimited availability of knowledge when in fact it has made an info-bottleneck controlled by the censors themselves. Hardcopy, written word may be the only remedy, so am trying to piece together a collection; help appreciated.
    But mostly, i just want a lot of naughty books to make me look smort/cool and maybe get in the pantaloons of artsy nerd chicks trying to piss off they rich father.
    What are the real pieces of lit that gen.pop can't handle?

    Hell, even just off-center interesting stuff would be much appreciated. Voynich Manuscript, Tom Brown, N.Land, i dunno tell me plz
  13. Amazing…..Off topic in his own thread
  14. Didn’t you already stomp off and uninvited us to your burfday party and say you hate this place and yoo’re never coming back for reals this time….. like a dozen times now??

    Lemme see yer tits, or I’ll 9/11 again
  15. Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy How the fuck did you get the fake name out of that statement.

    I lol’ed. I lmao’d. …….I did 9/11 and left clues on a BBS for THE GREAT WONZINY to decipher
  16. Originally posted by Bradley damn I forgot I did this much drugs
    Ay well you’ll have that on them big drugs
  17. Also I just want to take this opportunity to share my absolute fave Biden quote. He said that
    Originally posted by jojo bidet “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
  18. I mean, I’m not sure how anyone makes the daily grind without some sort of reality-escape….much less if your the sundowning mouthpiece of the FreeWorld.

    And I fully support everyone’s right to snortSlamBoofsmoke whatever the fuck they want, including his doddering old ass.
    It’s just shitty because he considered GHW.Bush to be too lenient on drug policy and has been pushing for harsher sentences his whole dummy stupid-face life.
    (Hunter turned out cool as hell though)

  19. Originally posted by Bradley I had some calamari/squid earlier in its own sauce.

    I’ve always liked me some fried calamari, but then I heard that places use pig sphincters as a cheap substitute and have a had a bad time getting around the thought….
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