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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladyboy lapdancer.........................................

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  2. Originally posted by Wariat To tell a 16 yr old ukrainian virgin girl who never even had a boyfriend before and lives wirh her dad you woukd wat her poop as a 38 year old Man if she agrees ro to with tou?

    it would be a better idea to stick your face into a blender set to 'frappe'

    post live streaming video
  3. Originally posted by aldra LOL 34 posts uninterrupted

    that fucking uber-nonce needs to be hog tied nude and tossed into a prison for mentally ill rapists
  4. Originally posted by aldra this story makes no sense why would I invite you to australia or let you sleep on my couch

    you could dress him up in a little girls outift and let him earn his rent money using his orifices

    or just rape him to death and leave his ruined carcass somewhere deep in the outback for a special-sauce-coated kangaroo snack.
  5. better out their eyeballs to have two more fun-slots for plundering.

    the best part is there wont be any visual identification as long as theres no nutt-butter in those eye sockets there no way the prosecution can win the case
  6. ask about sexually assaulting someone with their penis so it gets bitten...
  7. Originally posted by aldra also, a bunch of guys shot up an israeli radar base on an Eritrean island. probably not a random chimpout - I don't know how many bases the IDF has in the region but losing one will affect their ability to detect missile launches from Yemen or the Gulf states.

    depending on how they're integrated, the USN ships in the area can probably patch the gap.

    a few years ago when the j­ews and eritreans first made-nice and the kikes built a base there everyone was pissed off about it but the government of eritrea and the kikes themselves denied there was a base being built.

    now they cant deny it
  8. Originally posted by Speedy Parker There is no such thing as a speed clip dumbass

    you know nothing about firearms, you gibbering knob jockey
  9. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny then what it is

    they attach the magazines together to make it quicker to reload

    everyone has their own preferences.

    the way that chick did it might be her own thing but from the looks of it she has it in an ergonomically and kinesthetically confusing configuration.

    i dont do it because its annoying and unweildy. it also fucks up the balance of the rifle. its not a big deal...and its actually a static position. (not needing to move around)

    when i was in the military the unit i was in prohibited it because 'commonality and familiarity' were required with almost everything so if someone was customizing their reload technique someone else might be flummoxed if they tried to use someone elses rifle.
  10. Originally posted by Kawkasian I'd slide it one

    so has everyone else

    its common knowledge that anyone...male or subterfuge-related jobs is using one or more of their orifices in their daily work requirements.

    theres a graph that shows that the better looking an operative is in comparison to how prestigious of employment they receive, the more protuberances that have penetrated their orifices.
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