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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer...............................................................

  1. Originally posted by Incessant This thread is for me to document the recipes I'm trying. If I'm feeling generous maybe I'll share progress pics of the dish.

    Tonight or tomorrow I'm going to try to recreate the Starbucks kale and portabella egg bites.

    I got a Texas shaped silicon muffin pan for Christmas and there's a heart on the top kind of recessed that will be perfect for holding siracha.

    your screen name would make a good name for a disney princess that fucks her daddy
  2. Originally posted by Fox Have you been crying?

    ive been fapping to those tits and lips
  3. Originally posted by Kawkasian …so not ethnic cleansing then…

    absolutely not

    they need to air drop endless pallets of ammo and firearms into the entirety of the middle east and let them fight amongst themselves

    its a self-resolving problem
  4. Originally posted by Kawkasian Is there any young ass working at 5 guys you're going to try and slide a length to?

    all i want to know is the link to the site where that video is going to be posted
  5. Originally posted by Kawkasian I'd say the last couple of weeks events have shown Hamas to be dumber

    "hey kid, just go over there and pull the tail of that sleeping pitbull.."

    hamas are palestinians. palestinians are the same genetic haplotype as the kikes...theyre the same retards and the same degree of full-retard
  6. Originally posted by Kawkasian Full Genius you mean.

    the kikes are literally the dumbest fucks to ever infest this planet. the only reason cockroaches have a wider range of infestation is because theyre smarter
  7. Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Age: 19

    Sex: Yes

    Gender: Penis

    Pronouns: Space/Nigga

    Height: 5ft 10 IN

    Weight: 180 LBS (I'm losing weight right now folx!)

    Hey ladies.

    I am known here as Kingoffrogs, but you can call me Eli

    I like talking about economics, politics, philosophy, and ecology.

    Other people describe me as funny, caring, easy-going, and compassionate.

    I live near Rockford IL and am looking for a women I can date who will one day be my wife.

    DM me your number and we can chat :)

    you have purty lips.

    do you put out on the first date and do you swallow
  8. Originally posted by Donald Trump Arabs have done some bad things like any other group but they have never done anything like what the jedis have done to the Palestinians to anyone ever.

    false. throughout human history the only continuum of cruelty is what is coming tomorrow.

    all civilizations have one degree or another of barbarity
  9. Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Arab commanders historically have been among the most skilled conquerors in all of history.

    false. the correct statement: arab commanders fortuitously engaged opponents who were more significantly of a higher degree of inept than they were. (that spain expedition thing for one good example)

    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Slavery was also popularized in the Mediterranean in large part due to Islamic pirates and slave traders who frequently raided european coasts for slaves. The USA fought 2 wars against barbary coast pirates called the barbary wars

    arabs literally invented sub-saharan nigger slavery

    they also raided coasts across the atlantic ocean on north america
  10. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny spend another 5 years researching middle eastern history and specifically islamic history and then get back to me.

    read about all the wars prophet muhd and all his desciples have waged according to islamic sources and scholars.

    read all every volume of hadith.

    dont forget north africa/spain
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