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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer.............................................................

  1. Originally posted by totse2118 African Muslims is nothing new but why the fuck are they in Gaza fighting against Israel

    It's not their country not their land not their people. Since when does Hamas a Palestine group recruit African Muslims???

    A Japanese communist makes more sense than a black African Muslim. Maybe he's British ?? But I don't think ISIS and Hamas do team trading like football

    There is still a communist Palestine movement that did join in the fighting which makes sense. Black Africans in Israel makes no sense.

    Black Hebrews on the other hand…

    hajis dont think like that. other than the sunni/shit-ite conflict...and some other minor internecine personality issues...a muslim considers an infidel bothering other muslims the epitome of crime.

    the hajis go everywhere they can. half of the hajis in israel have been in the syria conflict. im sure the kikes know their opponents have been training in syria, ukraine, nagorno karabakh, boko haram, sub saharam africa,...etc etc, ad nauseum
  2. Originally posted by totse2118 I just watched a breakdown of the entire conflict

    Basically Netanyahu used emergency powers to seize control of the government and even the opposition party supported him because "we need to come together"

    If this was his plan all along its actually working out amazing for him.

    everyone is starting to realize it was a false flag. kikes almost literally invented false-flags...and they use them on a regular basis.

    as has been said unendingly: it is impossible to get across the gaza border on land. and its even harder to get across the border by air.

    there is zero possibility it was accidental that the ground-hajis and flying-hajis to do what they did without being detected. even if the tactic of saturating the air-search radars with flying propane tanks was a success, the radars would detect the difference between the missiles and the propeller chairs. the key feature of their air search radars is determining target size, speed, prior path, and projected future path so the targeting radar knows whether it should direct a missile to kill something or ignore it to let it land in a dune someplace
  3. Originally posted by totse2118
    this picture is kinda sus. A black muslim Hamas terrorist with a military buzz cut and no beard????
    pretty odd

    its nothing out of the ordinary. hajis will take members from anywhere, almost...and considering hajis will recruit from sub-saharan africa its fairly common to see niggers running around african mohammedian circles. ive seen quite a few nigger short-hair hajis in tunis.
  4. Originally posted by Niggles I thought NetanYahu was about to have some legal case brought up on him. some charges? corruption or some shit. like the next day before Hamas decided to attack. another stupid move by Hamas. why didn't they wait. again, Devils Advocate but this is just suicide. the man was about to be brought up on Charges. now it's memory holed. probably forever

    bibi has been under one form of criminal investigation or another for virtually his entire political career. its too much to explain...go google it.

    on the other hand...the entirety of kike politicians are engaged in some sort of illegal activity which is hushed up and kept on the down-low until they go against what theyre not supposed to go against, at which time all the kike media advertises it

  5. shit-tier videographer films kike gut-shotting palestinian for no reason
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