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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer...........................................................

  1. Originally posted by aldra back in the 2006 war, before the APS Hez called them 'crematoriums' because they double as APCs and a hit to the ammo store would burn up the troops being carried in the back

    they thought installing the engines at the front of the tank would be a good idea based on 'lessons learned' during their tank battles with arabs.

    stupid kikes didnt take into consideration why EVERY other tank on the planet has its engine at the rear of the tank.

    now, a glacis (front) hit takes out the engine and the tank is dead in the water. even the drive system (bogeys...the suspension, basically) is designed like a retard. ive read arab reports berating the kikes for making them so easy to incapacitate then when they cant escape or maneuver...kill. the j­ews get around this weakness and tout the durability of the crap tank by reporting that 'missile didnt kill any crew'...but the tank was out of the fight.
  2. Originally posted by aldra yeah, when I first saw it I thought the language used sounded too much like a middle manager in an office job but I've never seen informal communications between officers so who knows

    i have...theyre no different than anyone else
  3. Originally posted by Niggles I saw that. wasn't sure if it was real. I mean the US is said to have the ability to do so. So you know Israel has them since it was mostly American J'ewish scientist working for our M.I.C.

    Israel gets everything research for free

    it is fake. if it is played on a real video player frame by frame it becomes visible as an optical illusion created by the plume of a previous launch being illuminated by the detonation of a warhead.

    similar to how optic fibers illuminate...the plume basically did the same thing
  4. Originally posted by Niggles well then this is where it splits off, right?

    A Christian Nation we were once (mostly) would back God's chosen tribe.

    but I'm really confused how a fucking leftist fuck like Biden is bowing down to Israel like a true Christian. He's an Irish Catholic too. I thought they hated J'ews. history along with Muslims of "Convert or die".

    Biden is an odd fuck. he acts like a hardline Chicago -7 era radicalist leftist and then he's bowing down to Israel when most leftist hate Israeli and Pro Palestine.

    I don't get the guy. he's out there. hard to read. has a lot of corruption his hand pick agencies are protecting him from while he acts like a hard core Christian Fundie like Pat Robertson.

    christianity is a myth

    judaism is a myth

    kikes control the kash and dole it out in quantities in direct proportion to how deep one swallows the kike cock
  5. Originally posted by Donald Trump Finny is stuck spamming an image from 5 years ago, literally pre-covid, on the forum.

    you have no sense or appreciation of classic art.


    it gives lanny severe feminine itching and burning...
  6. Originally posted by Bradley So we're gonna need some hot dogs in a bag that says "PORK" in arabic,

    a t shirt of muhammed with a bomb for a turban

    and my gay friend who hates non white people despite being a pale cuban guy

    you need a copy of the koran opened to a particularly meaningful prayer that the catcher can squeeze the intermingled goo onto...the combination of boyfriend-batter and rectal juices.

    if the hajis enjoyed having their shity tome burned or pissed on i guarantee theyll love getting fag ass squeezings drizzled atop it
    2023-10-16 at 9:20 PM UTC
  7. theres a fake video online of the kikes using lasers to shoot down missiles
  8. Originally posted by Niggles I saw a video with audio of a hamas soldier in first person mode (helmet cam) and he's walking around talking and he makes this goat like grunt from getting hit in the back and sounded like you do when you're playing football and get hit from behind really fucking hard and knock the wind out of you and he starts saying the Muslims version of a Lords Prayer of professing No God other than Allah.

    gets shot over and over but keeps his prayer going with grunts of being hit in between. I couldn't save it because Christians are not to take images of death. we live in a time where that saying ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE.

    not just stone images of grave scenes but video files not to be taken.

    i saw that video. its another example of it may or may not be genuine.

    anyone that sees or hears anything from kikeistan or the haji strip needs to realize there is a 99.9% chance what theyre watching is fake and a 125% chance that it is intended as propaganda
  9. the colombians kicked out the kike ambassador because they support the palestinians

    Colombia demands that Israel’s ambassador leave the South American country

    'gtfo kike...'
  10. Originally posted by aldra yeah a group of marines, probably just as a tripwire force

    dunno if that's real but it's funny regardless

    not real...its fake. i read the official-letterhead reply yesterday...or sometime where the official statement was that email you posted was fake, false, and not sent by hokanson

    the entirety of this kike-fest is on my last nerve of faux-propaganda. everything about it is a scam and falsity
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