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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer..........................................................

  1. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    aging myself: i watched that movie when it first came out on a black and white TV as a small child
  2. Originally posted by Bradley Folks, I've had interesting experiences.

    When my friends turn up dead, I try to get their ID, Social Security Card, and any other registration forms (like a birth certificate) from the family of the deceased. About 50% of the time they give it to me.

    What can I do with a fresh 20-45 year old identity of a recent overdose/suicide/car accident/etc

    surely this is usable in some format, please discuss.

    (Please don't tell on me again, RIPTotse.)

    peel off their skin and wear it like an outfit and live their life as a token of remembrance.

    make sure to fuck their significant other

  3. oy vey, the trigger happy kikes kilt their own komrads
  4. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny finny is brandishing his dominance all around the place

    thats like saying a bull elephant trampling on a stray ant is dominating anything...a newborn kitten would dominate lannyfag.

    a better analogy would be rubbing a dogs nose in its own piss.
  5. Originally posted by Donald Trump Finny is stuck spamming an image from 5 years ago, literally pre-covid, on the forum.

    you have no sense or appreciation of classic art.


    it gives lanny severe feminine itching and burning...
  6. Originally posted by Fox No he’s 100% dead. I verified the death cert

    k­roz is a j­ew-tier liar...if he says something you can guarantee its a falsehood
  7. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny aldra did not post anything interesting and lanny keeps deleting finny.

    its fucking hilarious when that idiot deletes an entire portion of a conversation then future readers get confused by wtf is going on because half of the discussion is missing

    that dumb bitch gave me a new recreational activity
  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny its deleting innocent posts that make him feel powerful

    thats where all the entertainment value lies

    not only are my posts giving lanny severe feminine itch and burning...but after he deletes a series of my posts that were a discussion exchange with someone it creates a whole new thread where an entire side of the conversation is missing...but anyone that didnt see the missing posts sees something that wasnt there before
  9. Originally posted by Bradley So we're gonna need some hot dogs in a bag that says "PORK" in arabic,

    a t shirt of muhammed with a bomb for a turban

    and my gay friend who hates non white people despite being a pale cuban guy

    you need a copy of the koran opened to a particularly meaningful prayer that the catcher can squeeze the intermingled goo onto...the combination of boyfriend-batter and rectal juices.

    if the hajis enjoyed having their shity tome burned or pissed on i guarantee theyll love getting fag ass squeezings drizzled atop it
  10. Originally posted by aldra Hez claiming another Merkava kill; they REALLY seem to hate those things

    now theyre saying theyre going to deploy 2,000 US troops to kikestan
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