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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer.......................................................

  1. Originally posted by Kafka In that documentary about Gaza there was this girl talking about how she'd go for walks along the beach to feel a sense of freedom, but if anyone takes a boat out too far they get shot at. I don't blame them, they've been driven crazy.

    you have no idea.

    do some research on how the kikes treat them

    and the best part is...the j­ews literally stole the land the palestinians lived on. hell, even their own acclaimed 'bible' admits their ancestors stole the land that is now called israel.
  2. Originally posted by Kafka I mean after the war.

    j­ews getting their final pogrom and the ones that survive becoming an under-ground religion, the way christianity was in rome before it was made main-stream.

    they cant control the narrative the way they have for the last 2,000 years and hide their antics

    before they could localize the information and propaganda. now its too wide spread
  3. Originally posted by aldra we'll know the party's about to start when Nasrallah makes a statement

    the way things are going now its going to be a complete surprise

    the kikes are going to pull off some false flag of some apocalyptical significance and media-censor any narrative that doesnt toe their line...all while committing atrocities that make what the huns did look like a 1950s disney fairy tale
  4. Originally posted by Wariat I miss tht redhead 16 yr old so much.

    we have the moral obligation to eat more meat.

    merry christmas. ho ho ho..
  5. Originally posted by Kafka What do you think will be the outcome?

    full blown regional war and full planetary j­ew-vs-haji terrorism

    some kike just knifed a couple hajis...and a bunch of hajis are skewering der juden left and right

    shows how stupid j­ews are. for thousands of years every civilization theyve infested has hated them and they still dont have enough self-reflection to realize its their own fault
  6. Originally posted by aldra yep, that's what I was thinking too, things are intensifying up north now though (maybe Hez is trying to get them to commit early) and tanks have been 'ready to cross the border' for a few days. people keep predicting they're going to cross because of periods of intensified air attacks but nothing yet.

    hez is just playing 'knock knock' with the kikes too stay relevant until they decide to un-tarp the big toys and spank the fuck out of the j­ews

    im getting the same vibe from hezbollah...theyre baiting or taunting the kikes the way some wild animal feigns being wounded to lure in its lunch.
  7. we have the moral obligation to eat more meat.

    merry christmas. ho ho ho..
  8. Originally posted by aldra apparently israel has been distributing weapons to citizens in towns close to Gaza akin to the Ukrainian Territorial Defence initiative.

    stop me if you've heard this one before, but two groups in Ofakim shot each other up because both thought the other was 'Hamas Infiltrators'.

    thats hilarious...kike-on-kike fratricide

    the best kind

    this is a frequent (although not reported) occurrence within several of the j­ew special-forces and intelligence institutes...
  9. Originally posted by aldra I agree there's definitely more going on than we can see.

    it seems like someone else funded and organised the initial attack, and everything since then has been relatively light skirmishes which implies they're waiting for a condition before committing their forces. israel may see this too, which is why they've minimised exposing the IDF so far

    theyre waiting for the two carrier battle groups

    all while censoring every possible byte of information coming out of gaza and the west bank
  10. Originally posted by aldra I'd probably think of that as a factor for Iran to be unlikely to do something like this; $6 billion is a lot of money for them, you'd think they'd at least wait until they'd been able to launder it.

    on the other hand maybe they predicted they'd never really have access to it so why bother with the pretense.

    considering 'everyone' is saying iran did it...and the media is hinting and full out suggesting iran is responsible...its a foregone conclusion that iran ISNT responsible

    the j­ews have a major hard-on for iran and are incessantly harassing them

    all things considered, my money is on a false flag of some sort that someone else is riding the coat tails of
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