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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer....................................................

  1. Originally posted by Bradley source?

    my screen name isnt 'google'...go do an internet search on it you lazy fuck
  2. Originally posted by Sudo I like this idea. It's pretty insane how many businesses ask for your phone number, back in DA DAY you had to get married first before you start asking questions like that. The first guy to ask everyone their number was definitely kr0z tier date rapist

    everyone wants phone numbers because then they can sell the number and use it as a tracking/consolidation mechanism

    like a low-tier social security number
  3. Originally posted by Fox The DIA sent a report about the balloon heading for US air space the day before it became news. We could have shot it down any time, but let it come in. Why do you think that is?

  4. Originally posted by Fox Ironically no, I am talking about the US government following Sun Tzu’s example…

    The Chinese were most likely not acquiring any actionable data from these spy balloons that they didn’t already have. Or we were using it as a method to feed disinformation to the enemy, by pretending to be unaware of their presence. Or we were hoping to gain insight into THEIR technology while pretending to let them do the same to us.

    For someone that thinks the government did 9/11 and successfully covered it up you really don’t think into things too deeply do you? You don’t think these kinds of games are played between governments, like all the fucking time?

    youre leaving out another option:


    chinee have been cantankerous, pestering, bitches throughout their history.

    the analogy would be the family going on a car ride and the youngest poking and prodding the older kids, then when the older kids respond, the younger kid cries out that they were the victim.

    like...slant eyed j­ews
  5. Originally posted by Bradley ^ This post was so edgy I cut myself

    stay away from any j­ew rabbis...theyll try to suck it with their mouths that they used on some infants bleeding penis. not hyperbole...they literally and admittedly suck on babies penises
  6. Originally posted by Fox Some chink said “All warfare is based on deception. When you are able, appear unable.”

    not placing much stock in an author who subscribes to the axiom 'appear strong when you are weak'

    if he wasnt a charlatan the brilliant idea would be more along the lines of 'dont be a weak bitch and you wont need to be a j­ew pretender.'
  7. Originally posted by Niggles I wonder if you can "shock treat" using a TENS unit.

    self treatment.

    anything short *cough* of battery cables attached to the high-voltage side of a high-voltage transformer with the other ends of the battery cables clamped to the nipples in saline gel is amateurish.
  8. Originally posted by Niggles what would be the fun in that. he's enjoying his human nature of stalking and killing rodents as if they're the enemy. why are you deducing his fun time? at least he's not an armchair warrior playing war games all day long. he's getting up and moving around, though I agree that he needs his 7-8 hours of sleep every-night for healing and downtime. this is clearly a healthier alternative to that of video games.

    stalking and killing lower life forms is a pastime for other lower life forms. i was trying to illuminate the darkness for someone who is obviously missing out on the possibilities and potentialities of life. but if someone finds fulfillment in such droll pastimes and considers such a challenge... by all means, have at yer bad 'sef.

    i wouldnt know anything about video games. ive long since retired from them back in the 80s or so when i used to live in arcades like all the other cool kids.
  9. Originally posted by Bradley Would alexander the great have really been great if he had no testicles and wore women's clothing/perfumes?

    I am interested to see the development of pornography as it relates to transgender people now in their mid teens entering the industry in specialized niche fetish sites as they reach the age of majority.

    i suspect it will contain sharp instruments in combination with body parts...and body parts that get detached from the body.

    hopefully self-applied ballistic lobotomies come back into vogue again.
  10. Originally posted by POLECAT just et me a grilled chees and tomato soup.
    I slept till 9 30 this am and I was only up from 245 till 530 on rat detail,, had one get in a glue trap I had leaning up against a pipe and it got a good side print of hair but it didnt catch his feet so he pulled out before I got to him with a 12" knife.

    no bait was eaten all night

    sounds like youre larping as some sort of feline trying to assert itself and capture more rodents than the kitty next door.

    if you want to larp as a bit higher on the evolutionary totem pole get a plethora of kill rat traps and spam them all over the inside and outside of whatever building theyre infesting. combine that with inundating your property with assorted different types of poisoned baits. spend more time sleeping and let them eradicate themselves.

    i mean...a few million years of evolutionary advancement in chemistry...mechanical engineering...and the such didnt give humanity its position as the apex organism on this planet for people to be prowling around in the middle of the night like they did back a few hundred thousand years ago scavenging for lunch.

    i mean...prefrontal cortex development, ftw...
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