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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer...................................................

  1. Originally posted by Niggles You can't say for sure what a desperate mind will do under certain political outcomes. they do have currently a no-strike policy but there is talks of them switching to a first strike. why the fuck do you think they're sending up balloons and monitoring and taking photos and shit ? they were doing this for some time before we caught on. getting in closer and picking up channel freqs they couldn't do from spy sats and trying to figure out how to trunk in. you think they're just being nosy for 0 reasons?

    they changed their policy a year or three ago after the aussies started sporting those new nuke subs. some butt-hurt chinee went on a public mewling tirade about the aussies being meannies to them by getting the subs so now they (chinks) have to target aussies
  2. Originally posted by totse2118 antifa is about beating up cops and racists , not whatever gay bullshit you think

    antifa is nothing.

    antifa are the unthinking, mindless sheep with literal nose-rings (for extra credit look up the historical (by historical im talking sumerian/mesopotamian times) significance of nose rings) who do the bidding of their betters.

    anyone that wants to know the destiny of antifa needs only look at how they fared during the spanish civil war in the '30s...

    a historical account that is peculiarly missing from most historical missives.
  3. Originally posted by Niggles beat your chest some more.
    they're catching up fast in technology (by stealing much of it thanks to people like the Clintons)

    this arrogance is what will drop our guard and well.. invaded. hypersonic and glide systems and who knows what the fuck they're placing up in space alrady. just hanging over our nation's defense network. 90 second drop and hypersonic deployment before detonation of EMP and nukes.

    Originally posted by Fox In this delusional fantasy world of yours, what incentive does China have to initiate a nuclear war and invade the US? Why the fuck would they do that and tank the world economy, including their own, and risk a near-certain retaliatory nuclear strike. You think they want to live here or something?

    any strategic thinker in the US needs to know one, single thing about the chinee: they do NOT think/plot like a normal, sane person/country/entity would. they, in overall generalities, behave like a rabid beast with a few functional episodes of mania. their grandest efforts will be something fucking retarded.

    ie...when they chased down the indians a few years ago with literal baseball bats embedded with nails...or that idiot shit they pulled with the other commies next door in '69
  4. Originally posted by Meikai Negro in stocks.

    fun fact: florida had the highest per-capita of nigger lynchings in the US

    funner fact: i used to live a few blocks away from the historical location of nigger hangings which became so controversial they renamed it because of the wide spread butt-hurt.
  5. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Your brain = damaged

    your sphincter = laerdal tunnel
  6. Originally posted by Speedy Parker China is a paper tiger

    your sphincter is a paper tiger

    at least thats what the writing on the bathroom wall says
  7. Originally posted by Fox Isn’t there a political aspect to joint operations? It’s a ceremonial show of support, and opportunity to cross train and share tactics and shit.

    Also since war is all over the place now you never know if we end up on a foreign battlefield with them somewhere else not Israel.

    yes, but the cross training is more for future coordination and collaboration

    every battlefield is a foreign battlefield. if its not, youve already lost
  8. Originally posted by Niggles Doesnt this worry you more than it should Americans? China is said they will invade Australia if a pacific war broke out between them and USA. even if it's not technically WWIII it will be close to that level. Wasn't Aussies supposed to get some need missile system upgrades and missiles defense from the USA and Britian? did this ever happen.

    thats not gonna happen. if the chinee have a single strategic brain cell functioning theyll long-range nuke tactically important targets and leave australia a bunny-infesested kangaroo park sanctuary with random sheep farms scattered about the desert.
  9. Originally posted by aldra things are real close to kicking off.

    I think israel called off the ground assault after Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Iraq and even China came out and said they would not just stand by if it happened. I expect they're waiting until the US CSGs move into position (yes, fucking both of them. the original story was that the Eisenhower was meant to go to the Eastern Mediterranean regardless after its upgrade, now they're directly saying both Ford and Eisenhower are going to support the J'ews), after that things are going to get LOUD

    something is going on that isnt flagrantly obvious. my impression of undertones and the way this is going says none of it makes sense.

    question: what did the hajis do?
    answer: they scurried out of their burrows and kicked the sleeping kikes in their shriveled ball sacks then scurried right back to their burrows. then made a ridiculous statement along the lines of 'we have your stuff. if you want your stuff back, you have to ...*stupid reasons*'

    (insert admiral ackbar meme with dirty j­ew accent of 'ITS A TRAP!')

    the biggest lightbulb going off in my head are those TWO carrier groups. ukraine sodomized two russian capital ships with zero effort using shit-tier tactics. carriers are too easy to kill and theyre sending them right into a shooting gallery
  10. Originally posted by Bradley I talked to the jedi pope he said the palestinians and jedis have been getting a long for thousands of years and this is just Goy propaganda to cause religious strife between two otherwise peaceful people who get along and share the many holy sites in the lands.

    false. kikes have literally never 'gotten along' with non-kikes.

    not even counting a thousand years ago, even in the early 1900s when it was ottoman rule the kikes were always at constant war. modern j­ews literally stole the land the palestinians owned

    the j­ews that claim israel was given to them by 'god' because the bible said so are liars because the bible in its entirety is a demonstrable work of fiction
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