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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................

  1. we have the moral obligation to eat more meat.

    merry christmas. ho ho ho.
  2. Originally posted by Bradley apparently you can transition if you put a ziptie around your testicles as tight as you can

    you should try it and report on how well that worked out for you
  3. we have the moral obligation to eat more meat.

    merry christmas. ho ho ho
  4. Originally posted by Bradley I shoved a highlighter in my ass as a wahy to start this process off correctly.

    post pics or fake news

    (i already have posted pics of a highlighter stuck into an orifice)
  5. we have the moral obligation to eat more meat.

    merry christmas. ho ho ho.
  6. Originally posted by Donald Trump Finny is stuck spamming an image from 5 years ago, literally pre-covid, on the forum.

    you have no sense or appreciation of classic art.


    it gives lanny severe feminine itching and burning...
  7. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny finny is brandishing his dominance all around the place

    thats like saying a bull elephant trampling on a stray ant is dominating anything...a newborn kitten would dominate lannyfag.

    a better analogy would be rubbing a dogs nose in its own piss.
  8. Originally posted by aldra LOL I still remember all the twitter accounts that got banned in the early days of the war for posting photos of busloads of j'ews fleeing the country while everyone else was being mobilised

    goes to show who owns the media
  9. Originally posted by Donald Trump 300k is what I'm hearing.

    Nah, it's generations of being forested. That area has had thousands of years of genocidal warfare, which is why despite being so rich it's so sparsely populated. It should be like China.

    ive read accounts of battles being fought with dozens of thousands of casualties and for decades after the crops grew phenomenally.
  10. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny last i herd those 10 million shells from manly korea produced by the proud and communistic people of manly korea work just fine for the russians.

    i dont know how n.koreas shit works but i know how chinee-produced arms are

    their ammo is shit. when they manufacture the raw materials for the propellant ('smokeless powder') they do it in a manner that is rough and inconsistent with virtually no quality control which results in the final product (propellant) being very, very dirty burning, inconsistent burning, and completely inaccurate. the same applies to the other that is part of why 7.62x'whatever' bullets have such high diameter tolerances...because they cant manufacture shit. american made bullets have .0001-inch tolerances...warsaw-pact bullshit bullets have .001 tolerances...and in ballistics that is massive.

    their firearms are shit, too...the specs are off, fasteners dont get tightened, mechanical components dont line up or function the way theyre supposed to....etc

    and those are the most basic weapons systems. i cant imagine something like artillery shells with drive-bands and 'precision' fusing can be any more-better.

    they probably dont even use electrolytes.

    its what bullets crave
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