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Posts by nfinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer...................

  1. Originally posted by Donald Trump The fucking Kikes are mocking everyone.

    thousands of civilians are killed in a dozen different conflicts going on throughout the world right now yet the US sends TWO fucking carrier battle groups to kiken-land

    yea, no one thinks kikes run the US
  2. Originally posted by aldra there was Hamas in those apartment blocks, trust us goy

    at least 6 million of them...

    ...and if there werent you can be sure theyll plant all the physical evidence that they were
  3. Originally posted by RandyCain (720) 648-4194
    HMU day or night.
    I wanna hear from YOU!
    Best advice guaranteed nigga

    i need a hoe to help milk my cock with their tonsils. my budget is 10-cents
  4. Originally posted by totse2118 so they are being terrorists on purpose? cool I guess, taking hostages is based

    indiscriminate bombing is the same thing. I'm sure they have a nice body count already with more to come

    stupid fucking kike. tandem charges arent designed for 'hardened structures'
  5. Originally posted by Kawkasian You build your house next to an unstable mountainside and then act surprised when a landslide buries your house 200ft deep…

    a better analogy *cough* would be to steal your boyfriends favorite butt plug, stuff it into your asshole, then get upset when said boyfriend retakes possession of the butt plug and then replaces it with his cock.
  6. Originally posted by Kawkasian No different than what Hamas did?…except they didn't give 24hrs.

    Get the fuck oudda here…you live with rats, you die with rats.

    Anyway…what reports have you seen of Israelis targeting and killing civilians right now?…

    the kikes regularly and frequently target and kill civilians. on a regular basis. as in. all the fucking time.
  7. Originally posted by Chios Honey the two oldest idiots are either plurals or just love teasing each other with faggoted flirtation

    i will bend you over your homeless nigger boyfriends shopping cart and pile drive your asshole with such reckless abandon that when im done the jedis are going to use your ass to make their fake-news propaganda of how much devastation and destruction their artillery bombardments are causing.
  8. Originally posted by aldra infinityshock gets permabanned every time lanny notices his alts

    and he's way smarter than wellhung, he just can't stop talking about breaking assholes

    which makes it a thousand times more hilarious
  9. Originally posted by Speedy Parker im sexually attracted to children and wariat with his pedo fag fantasies are my biggest turn on

    youre a faggot and your mother is a whore
  10. Originally posted by Sudo Googlin "totse" then lurking for 3 years. At the current rate of 6 members dying per year Within 7 years it will just be Lanny and finny left

    lanny will die from estrogen overdose and ass aids long before i go anywhere
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