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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer...................................

  1. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Everyone has moved on to the latest kikewar, but I'm still thinking about these girls.

    that would be a fun seven-way
  2. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no one cares.

    no one is going to be left alive to care
  3. Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Do you remember being born and what are youlike are you a Leo or a gemini

    you forgot one: rectal birth canal

    thats how lanny was born
  4. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny men have objectively, qualitively, quantitively and assthetically better asses than women.

    and asses are just gay.

    only someone who is gay would say something like that
  5. Originally posted by totse2118 I just came, home from the store. I got NICOTINE

    i just came too
  6. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Lanny the user account molester. I had high hopes for the kid.

    imagine what he does to puppies and kittens when no one is watching
  7. Originally posted by Fox

    yea. its called 'implied consent'
  8. Originally posted by Sudo Tfw only a few of the alleged 5 million rockets actually hit strategic targets

    in all actuality, the actual number is actually 6 million
  9. Originally posted by aldra reports that SOF and 'advisors' are on the ground with the IDF ahead of the ground offensive

    theres always US forces in israel. i spent waaaay too much time in their shitty desert back in the 90s doing joint exercises.
  10. Originally posted by aldra I've read they were caught on multiple occasions throwing the plague-dead into wells

    from memory, the book i mentioned stated that multiple j­ews were physically caught as well as additional j­ew tortured and admitted to doing so.

    a detail i remember was one particular j­ew rabbi had a pouch/purse/cloth-type container with unknown/unidentifiable bead/berry items that he was throwing into a well. that is the only fact...after that the book said he was 'enthusiastically interrogated' and claimed to have been, in fact, poisoning the well.

    there is historic examples of j­ews doing this throughout ancient history. one example that sticks out is the zealots...a subset called the 'sicarri'...wanted to fight the romans and they went around and poisoned the wells (amongst many other atrocities) of any j­ew who wouldnt side with them with the intent to force them to.
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