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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer...............................

  1. Originally posted by Speedy Parker im a nigger

  2. Originally posted by mmQ It's Ken these days.

    no one cares about your genitalia
  3. Originally posted by Fonaplats Gene Simmons sucks.
    All the news has to offered are images of horrified smiling jedi women running away with the HaMaS tERrOrIsTs.
    Most of the images look like selfies ffs.

    Omg the terrorists came and loaded up grandma in a golf cart and drove off with her.

    Shut the fuck up.

    Religion is super intolerant of other religions and there will never be peace in the middle easy until there is only one left.

    And every jedi that was killed just so happened to be a model citizen and or holocaust survivor.

    Lol yeah right.

    I don't care about any of this gay ass shit at all.
    These fucks all need nuked.

    Can't wait to hear how hundreds of billions of our tax dollars are going to go to supporting this shit now even more.

    And this conflict has been going on for years if not decades so the fact the news wants to go crazy over some guys with kites flying into Israel is absurd.

    I'm so sick of jedis controlling the narrative and the world.

    someones gonna get rape'd

    hopefully granny is on the pill...
  4. Originally posted by Lanny Imma crash into the bird laid bender like a commie causey dilat

    youre an idiot
  5. Originally posted by Lanny Art is protected speech tho

    obviously you consider the 'art' posted by that degenerate freak wariat to be of the highest caliber and your favoritest flavor

    you fucking alcoholic pedophilia advocating enabler

    youre just jealous you dont get molested by older men the way you used to when you were a little boy. now the only thing you get are the sloppy has-beens that your mother doesnt have enough holes to satisfy.
  6. Originally posted by aldra about 4,000km out so like 3-4 days at max speed, no idea if it can maintain that or needs to make stops

    its a doesnt run out of gas

    the limiting factor is how long the crew and ship can tolerate the speed

    the carriers i was on would occasionally do high speed testing...i cant remember what they called it...'high speed workups' or something...and someone could literally water ski behind the thing. it sucked because everything would vibrate, shit would fall off counters, if something hadnt been dusted in too long thered be dust flying everywhere...and theres not sleeping during that bullshit

    it would last anywhere from a few minutes to countless hours.
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