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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer..........................

  1. Originally posted by Bradley The streets aint for everybody that's why they madethe ditch.

    I've been telling people this in the ghetto and been getting mixed saturday party time reations from my pople on da block ya hear
    white brad killin it with the non white amigos and negro muchochos & I get pretty fire weed because i buy it from the guy who smells liek fire ass weed, aka my nigga.

    Everyone was paying 5$ ffor a bbq plate wit poatoto salad and fries and i asked for ribs and gthey said 10$ and I said I only got 5$ like everybody else, i don't get money till the first of the month lol (cuz it's the seventh lol) so they said okay, and when i paid them i gave them 4$ my nigga! and she put it right in the fanny pack

    i asked her if she wants a slice of me and she said i can get bread cuz she didn't understand me good

    theres no such thing as god
  2. Originally posted by Speedy Parker im a dumb nigger
  3. Originally posted by Chios Honey those are cool. not during war;cool but would be fun to fly in the desert to get to a store and back. not sure how you would lug your groceries home. backpack? anyways I thought of buying something like this if I ever get a house out there. Bordertown CalNev is like 40 miles away. no shopping near by

    theyre one of the best infiltration tools. the problem is they didnt do it at night or muffle the engine enough.

    in the US you dont need a pilots license to fly them...and ive seen many that were home-made. literally an engine purchased at harbor freight, a propeller, an ad-hoc chair with wheels, and a canopy purchased online.
  4. Originally posted by Speedy Parker i let an army of niggers use my colon for target practice using their big guns

  5. Originally posted by Rape Monster I'll yank your pee shooter till you cum faggot

    its a date. your place or mine
  6. Originally posted by Speedy Parker You're behavior is a strong indication I am correct.

    your flaccid asshole is a strong indication that youve let too many niggers use it
  7. Originally posted by Speedy Parker my ass is still sore from the massive nigger gangbang i enjoyed so much at the local fag club
  8. Originally posted by Chios Honey Oh so you're a corrupt cop too?

    nothing corrupt about pimpin...its a speshul kind of love that a square just wouldnt understand
  9. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Black the kettle you are calling but pot you are

    black cock you are sucking
  10. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Then you don't know shit about waging war or the IDF.

    which is precisely an extra bigg ass helping more exponential brilliance more than you know about war or the kikes

    you and your ridiculous pee-shooter that youre so proud of bragging about
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