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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer....

  1. practice more...your aim will improve
  2. Originally posted by WellHung Because females are gutless cowards who are forever afraid to be forthcoming because they have no confidence, are usually unsure of themselves and are preoccupied with how they are going to be perceived by others. For the most part, females are going to disappoint you with their behavior. You have to learn to get thicker skin and expect the worst from women… so your expectations aren't constantly shattered. With females , you got to expect the worst but hope for the best. Once in a blue moon, you'll get fortunate and find a good one. Usually takes a tremendous amount of trial and error and a tremendously high sample size , however.

    i understand that women dont come with instruction manuals...but youre reading waaaay too much into something that was only equipped with legs to be able to transport their tits and vaginas around so they arent perpetually stuck in the same location where their mother birthed them
  3. Originally posted by aldra I heard that the self checkout machines have a hollow space inside so while you're scanning your groceries someone can hide in there and secretly unzip your pants and inspect your penis without you knowing

    they have something similar in the mens bathroom. the inspection isnt visual. its manually or orally conducted
  4. Originally posted by Kafka I've realised getting into fights with men will make me feel better short-term so this is what I plan to do tomorrow night. If anyone has tips post them below or advice on what not to do. Since I'm not a skilled fighter I could accidentally do more damage than intended.

    wear knee pads

    also, wear dresses for easier access, and pre-lube your asshole to make insertion less troublesome
  5. Originally posted by Kingoffrogs for any high-skill food service positions, like Panda Express, Chili's, Applebees, etc. paying 15-18$/hr?

    For context, I have 3 years of food service experience, experience in a supervisory position, ServSafe certified, WIlling to work 8-12 hour shifts, 1st and 2nd shift, 5-7 days a week, willing to work OT, can lift 150 lbs.

    I lost track of how many places i've applied to at 21. I'm still working on it, i've done 6 or 7 today, hopefully I get 15 in before long.

    WTF fuys?!?

    wear shorter skirts and lower cut tops that show more cleavage. lick your lips a lot
  6. like...what theyve been doing since war was invented to prevent detection by the enemy

    how hilariously innovative.

    before the military got pussified in the assorted gulf wars we would literally never use radios to transmit because the commies would pick up the signal about .0002 seconds after the transmission started.

    and nowadays with modern cell phones...EW is hilarious
  7. i want to have sex with you. the head of my cock wants to know how loud your transverse colon can scream when its being torn asunder
  8. Originally posted by Haxxor Infinity shock was a mindless spam bot. That’s why it earned its ban.

    Ok…..sorry, my bad.

    your mother is a mindless spam bot. get her off the street and tell her to stop spamming her broken ass to any nigger cock that isnt too flaccid for her to fuck
  9. Originally posted by Lanny A butthole cancer on both your houses!

    your mother has butthole cancer in both her holes

    and now you have it on your tongue
  10. Originally posted by Haxxor Nope…..Lanny encourages trolling and despises censorship as evidenced by the absence of a block feature here.

    As an FYI;

    The original TOTSE forum has been described as part of the early "proto-troll" phenomenon, predating but overlapping with 4chan. It has also been compared to shock sites such as, Stile Project and Something Awful.

    The prefix "proto" means "first" or "earliest form of," so a proto troll is the earliest form of a troll. In general, it is referring to the people who first engaged in the behavior we currently think of as trolling. But, because they are proto trolls, they didn't do everything we think of as trolling or they may not have done it as "elegantly." They were obviously trying to provoke a negative reaction from their audience, their methods were a lot cruder than today and obviously pretty offensive to snowflakes on the inter-webs.

    Kafka’s little discord group is called TOTSE, yet it is predicated on censorship.

    Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actuality’s from themselves and from others. Their fear is only their inability to face what is real, and since they can't vent any anger against them. They only feel this appalling powerless and desire to control what cannot be controlled, human behavior other than their own. Somewhere, in their upbringing, they were shielded against the total facts of their existence.

    you dont know what youre talking about. lannyfag regularly bans people for hurting his fragile little ego or having an opinion that is accurate, contradicting his own delusions of grandeur.

    lannyfag is the epitome of censorship and the exact example of its application
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