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Posts by Niggles
2023-10-13 at 3:43 AM UTC in Example of stupid America
2023-10-13 at 3:42 AM UTC in Example of stupid America
2023-10-13 at 3:41 AM UTC in damm kingoffrogs
2023-10-13 at 3:40 AM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
2023-10-13 at 3:40 AM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
2023-10-13 at 3:38 AM UTC in Do you think Palestinians are Pissed at HamasI think
twoThree things are happening
1: Cult of Personalities and Religious sect over the religion (J'ewish) itself.
2: People who are only "Culturally J'ewish seeing how wonderful it is to just say "Anti-Semite" and shut it down around them. "How dare you blah blah"
3: Islam in itself is a push religion and always has been. with Christian based, you had Catholics during the dark ages force conversion through torture and imprisonment and that's not what Jesus said to do but with Muslims it is. perhaps the Catholics did this because Muslims were doing this during the ottoman period and countered with the same Bullshit. it was also the Dark Ages. -
2023-10-13 at 3:33 AM UTC in 5000 rockets hit Israel
Originally posted by Loing I hate jews
Why do you hate ALL J'EWS?
why not just asshole Elitist including "Chrsitian" (which they're not being) and Muslims too? they're are working class J'ewish people who aren't rich and don't control shit.
I dont understand the straight up HATE for any one group. just manipulators who are doing this. Hamas would of did this to Christians or anyone else they disagree with. they're a super Pro Islamic world kind of group that is growing and want to push their Islam into every country. -
2023-10-13 at 3:30 AM UTC in 5000 rockets hit Israelhow come Dave (CIA Groomed) Chappelle stopped at whatever he was going to say about J'ews during his SNL opening? and his "A lot of J'ews" and "I'm a Muslim"?
he knows the false Hip-2-b-Hollywood-J'ew will shut him down.
Why are banks being allowed to say who gets to keep money in their institutions when they're Government (Tax payer)Backed?
this shit is rolling back over them. most of you just hate J'ews in general but these are just crooks using the "Race card" to be crooks and nothing to do with the Religion itself and until someone finally steps on these fucking people the shit will continue on.
that being said, FUCK HAMAS for being this stupid. they only caused more tightening of a noose. they destroyed their chance at living in Gaza now. they are finished. the rest of Palestine will be next. and I dont really care because We in the USA have our own fucking problems. and Im sick of this world policing BS -
2023-10-13 at 3:25 AM UTC in Do you think Palestinians are Pissed at Hamasthey keep saying a rise in Anti-Semitism when a Semite is any lineage of Shem, David, Jacob and Esau, Edomites, Jacobs son Judah and Levi and Josephites and so on. ALL SEMITES.
they are using the wrong card and no one ever addresses this. its just to shut people down so a certain group of them can control shit. and nearly all of them only go to Temple when they want to get involved in some political shit. Most are Atheist or gnostic -
2023-10-13 at 3:22 AM UTC in Do you think Palestinians are Pissed at Hamas
Originally posted by aldra I dunno, doubt there's a consensus.
the j'ews have been oppressing them constantly for the last 80 years, just look at the settlements slowly encroaching on Palestinian areas and literally stealing peoples' houses or the israeli companies that effectively use the West Bank for slave labour, or the collective punishment on civilians every time Hamas gives them a smack. 'there was a Hamas agent in that apartment block we bombed, just trust us goy'.
it's like the frog and the boiling water, 'someday maybe you'll have citizenship or your own state goy, just play by our rules and let us rob and rape you constantly', I doubt there are many who think there's a place for them in any israeli future.
thats not true. all 3 Abrahamic religions lived there and outside of a few tribal battles they learned to get along. it wasn't until after WWII that the British brought in the Russian J'ews and among them were Bolshevik J'ews (not all Bolshie were J'ews) who were atheist and saw money. these are the same fucking "J'ews" who took from Ukranian J'ews in the name of "Collectivism" most are turkish converts. not real hebrew people.
I don't hate J'ews and I resent the "Anti-Semitic" card pulled everytime you disagree with bullshit of theirs.
I don't hate Muslims either and had friends even as far back as Highschool and Gradeschool who were arabs muslims but these people can't tell me how to live or feel. Where were they during my personal issues? -
2023-10-13 at 3:19 AM UTC in Do you think Palestinians are Pissed at Hamas
2023-10-12 at 11:01 PM UTC in Do you think Palestinians are Pissed at Hamas
Originally posted by Wariat how did they even coordinate the attackwithout israel knowing or even have such wepaonry?
Because Bibi was under the microscope and political issues where he was about to be served up on some legal shit. Rape or Sexual harrassent I think was one of them. perhaps Nonce shit that you would understand.
but for once I agree that they should have been watching everything on the 50th anniversary of Yom Kippur war of 73.
everyone knows attacks happen on Anniversaries. like 50% of large scale shit. look at the OK City bombing on the day that Waco happened, and I think also on Ruby Ridge. I might be wrong about the last one. this should have been a Red Flag week. -
2023-10-12 at 10:58 PM UTC in Example of stupid America
2023-10-12 at 10:54 PM UTC in Do you think Palestinians are Pissed at Hamas17 years, building up a life, family, homes, shops, business whatever and probably unknown to most a few neighbors planned 5000 rocket attacks in one night.
What did they honestly think was going to happen? this was their grand plan? they are the reason that they're children, wives, husbands, parents etc etc are dead. their schools and homes knocked down, their hospital is ruins with many dead.
You're just chillin one day and instead of a natural disaster like an Earthquake or Tsunami or Fiery rock from space slams into their neighborhood they cause a disaster on the same level. their neighbors caused them to lose EVERYTHING.
instead of blaming Israel (at least on this one) they were given GAZA back and they just threw it all away.
Dont get me wrong. jedi people in the USA and abroad have said some terrible racist shit against Whites especially white people. wishing we all would die and bred out. but not all of them and it was just frustration at the Nazi movement over Whites in general. I would think. if not, Fuck them but I'm a centrist too so why did Hamas do this. I get it, "GAZA was ours in the first place" but you know the situation and the game. Whites are playing this shit right now with every person not white thinking we need to get weeded out but hopefully there isn't a nazi plan to suddenly attack the Government. and if they do, who the fuck is our Government going to attack on a large scale. so for Hamas it's easier but if a Hamas Nazi equivalent happened in the USA or England or some shit, it's door to door.
Why the fuck did you throw it all away? -
2023-10-12 at 10:32 PM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
2023-10-12 at 10:32 PM UTC in damm kingoffrogs
2023-10-12 at 10:31 PM UTC in What are you doing at the momentdeciding if Cart Narc costume or derka derka costume would be popular this year
2023-10-12 at 10:30 PM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
2023-10-12 at 10:29 PM UTC in 5000 rockets hit Israel
2023-10-12 at 10:14 PM UTC in Example of stupid America