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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer.

  1. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Some people just need banned period

    your moms period was banned after i relocated her uterus into her trachea with the tip of my cock from going balls-deep into her hoo-hoo
  2. Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Kevlar armor is supposed to only be good for a short period of time (I forget how long but I think like a few years and they're supposed to be replaced). But I think like 10 years ago I read about level 2 vests from the 80s being tested and them still working fine.

    On the other hand idk how much they were used. Level 2 or today 3A kevlar armor is something that's naturally going to be worn more. It bends, it's fairly comfortable to ride around in a vehicle with, covers more area and will stop most handguns that you're most likely to be shot at with.

    I wonder how much the layers rubbing against each other degrades it. Storage temperature etc. So there could be a lot of factors with that.

    Then there's polyethylene rifle plates. I guess this is fairly new? I had never heard of them 10 years ago. But they're lighter than ceramic, and a lot less expensive.

    I was talking about the capitalist programmed obsolescence of Glocks and how nobody would want a gun with a 30 year old plastic frame. This probably goes double for anything meant to stop bullets 😄 but unless you're the government who has to worry about recycling them off dead men it's probably the way to go.

    I'm just curious though, what do you think about what I'm saying about the kevlar, the use and storage temperature etc playing a role, and PE armor?

    i have a 30-ish year old USP of the first plastic pistols...and it works fine.

    the only benefit of that plastic/ceramic armor is light weight. get the solid steel plates with the thickest anti-spall liner and you'll never have to worry about anything again.

    the expiry date is mostly for legal purposes but some studies showed kevlar would degrade over certain moisture conditions...and UV
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer. that bitch bitched out like a little bitch because i made her my bitch

    scientific fact: vegetarians have a higher incidence of mental disorders and defects that the population as a whole

    this is a partial explanation for lannys defectiveness.

    that...and the brain damage caused by excessive impacts of multiple well-endowed niggers dick-tips banging on his fetal skull while his mother rented out her orifices to random niggers to pay for her alcohol and crack addicktion
  4. Originally posted by totse2118 Hey OP the man offered! I heard he's an expert in making people bleat like a goat

    and oink like a piggy...while bent over a log in the middle of the forrest
  5. Originally posted by Donald Trump Lanny only bitched out cos Finny was so hard core sperging.

    that bitch bitched out like a little bitch because i made her my bitch
  6. Originally posted by WellHung Nigger.

    have cock. will travel

    bring your own lube unless you want me to slam it in dry
  7. Originally posted by Bradley Folks, I am guilty.

    I turned on the kitchen light when he had the bedroom door open. He said I'm abusive. Can you believe at 4am I just laughed and told him to go fuck himself? I was makinv bacon and eggs, like u fry 3 slices of bacon and fry the eggs in the bacon grease. I think I made toast too. And he was just straight bitching at me. So then more later, I kinda made it worse because he had my lighter in the bedroom, so I turned on the bedroom light.

    He comes out and eats all the bacon and half the eggs…

    Goes back to sleep, takes my lighter with him. I turn on the light, he begins yelling how I'm an evil abuser. I'm like what did i do? I turned on a light, grabbed the lighter and turned off the light.


    So then his friend comes over and says "xxxxxxx, This isn't abuse bro why did you call me?"

    "It's abuse!"

    "No it isn't, I'm going home."


    So I then made more bacon and eggs, again he wakes up as the shits cooling and eats it, but this time (He has ulcers) I put so much spicey spices into this shit and said "Moy Caliente" he said he knows

    then that's abuse too.

    So he tried calling his family members saying I'm abusing him because I turn on the lights so I can find a lighter LOL and that I gave him food that was too spicey (He didn't eat any of it and I ate all of it) and they're like

    "So he turns on the light at night to find something and then made food that's too spicey so he's just repeatedly abusing you?"


    and then they stop responding LOL

    teach that whiny little bitch what abuse is. stuff a sodium-vapor light bulb up his ass hole with a baseball-bat chaser while the head of your cock uses his tonsils as a speed bag
  8. Originally posted by WALUIGI TACO STAND IS A REAL GAME I'm like 25% of the self taught man

    §m£ÂgØL and sploo tstmd waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than me

    Lots of my accounts got locked before I ever could
    Lanny is as fast and drunk as I am clever and retarded. Together we could destroy the universe

    Apart we just make it more fun for high IQ folx and triger low IQ retards like helladamgay and whatever alt faggot cries about this site

    My receipts ^ check the ban history for 'the loud obnoxious puking guy in a restaurant ' and 'tony hawk's

    Search those names I have several dozen alts with lots of posts that are deleted but still exist. I only ever tstm'd for tacticool reasons, something you fucktardis that weren't around for the infinityshock spamming and the DH invasion would NEVER understand NEVER NEVER

    my spam is pulitzer quality compared to the digital diarrhea that lanny infests the internetz with
  9. Originally posted by WALUIGI TACO STAND IS A REAL GAME best i could find but heres proof of the nubian

    also found this lol

  10. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Finny hasn't posted her in months you moron.

    check your dads asshole...youll find i posted her good
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