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Posts by Chios Honey

  1. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Esau gave up his birthright to Israel for a bowl of soup lmao.

    I know right. but he was hungry and didn't think Jacob will call him on it.

    its weird but Jacob and Esau's mom dressed Jacob up with animal fur so Issac would think Jacob was Esau (who I guess had that hair disease of being all hairy with red hair.. this is important because you're prolly a Edomite not a real jedi or decendent of Judah, which was Jacobs son and Esau's nephew)

    so Issac was like "yeah whatever.. I bless you with the land since whatever reasons yada yada" because it doesn't say why. but the mother was the one who liked Jacob more because Esau married a Canaanite. HOWEVER Jacob took 2 wives and 2 Concubines and 2 of them were also Canaanite and it doesn't say which. wives or concubines

    kind of left it out for cliffhanger effect I guess
  2. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    ^Most fucked up porn collection next to wariat
  3. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai For the record: I do not keep the Jews' covenant with God, but my own.

    You have red hair. this means you're most likely an Ashkanazi which were Turk converts. You have the Canaanite bloodline not true Semitic.

    Even Goyum have Semitic blood since they're the children of Esau. Edomites. still a child lineage of Shem

    but Esau married a Canaanite so the Ashkanazi rule kicks in. Mothers side is Canaanite so they label the Edomites as non-Semites.

    it's a real head fuck of who's who
  4. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai >half

    less than half? what do you mean >

    Mom? lineage or dad.
    Ashkanazi says mother
    Other say Fathers (Adam's) seed

    but most denominations have adopted the Ashkanazi Mother's rule. which isn't the original. it was always fathers side pre 1700s or some shit.
  5. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Those are bullshit meds I've already been on more than once. I get better shit than that, it just only works so well after a certain point.

    you take a med-vacation


    1-two days for the ones you absolutely (like other than heart related) dont need to take everyday you can take a few days off so they work wonders when you come back. cheerful
  6. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Someone is fucking with me on this site.

    Medical profression and their Attorney friend

    Alice Hunter was studying back in the 90s to get her Doctor Degree and she became head of ER at John Muir

  7. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    looking up a phone number related it pulled up that number linked to someone not related to the original owner however a next door neighbor and that neighbor also had a DC area code with the exact same 7 numbers to it instead of our area code

    looking up a name listed on art brings up an address that was literally next door to mine at another location I lived at

    Looking up an associated name brings up an apartment across the street from a best friends house

    all related to Physicians and 1 Attorney
  8. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Haxxor

  9. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Ask Doctor for 5mg (start dose) of Lexapro

    Work up to 20 cocktail it with 300mg start gabapentin work to 600 morning dose

    300 night dose again

    You won't give two shits about anything
  10. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe

    OK Dr Phil

    Was that Tacho on your show?
  11. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 that's not what totse is about but okay

    I guess that ship sailed long before you were there which does mean spectral is right here as PI leaking and contacting the government has nothing to do with what this forum or any related forums should be about when there are plenty of other places on the internet to do that instead of a free speech website


    Whatever hater man
  12. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    They can go to the local Catholic Church and get a free Friday Fried Fish Lunch

  13. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Chios Honey which one is this?

    Does Indian mythology connect with Greek? isn't this Poseidon? a Trident and water
  14. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker He is a shit in the street

    You didn't even get help to come up with that gem, huh geezer
  15. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Yeah people who think america is racist have never traveled. Pretty much every other country I’ve been to is way more racist, they just don’t have a lot of foreigners to be racist against so it’s not “news”. But I’ve seen signs up saying no foreigners allowed, no blacks, etc. imagine if Starbucks put that sign up we’d burn Seattle to cinders

    This isnt a defense of racism but a little perspective would be nice ffs

    You should do a documentary and travel and point out how fucked up these places are and "Worse than the deep south"

    even in California (not coastal) you have deep racism too. Mountains here are as redneck as the deep south is. Sierras has this. but you now have a bunch of liberals from San Francisco who moved up there so Red counties turning Blue.
  16. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    On the Joe Rogan show, he's wearing a patch? someone punch his eye out?

    I'm not willing this on him but he's probably going to get shot or stabbed by someone who in fact can outrun him and his one eye.

    It was funny the first few episodes but it's a ticking time bomb for his other eye.
  17. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe

    East Coaster "Suck a dick" drives a volt. better get that mini electric thing home .. 70 miles per charge

    aint got no teim fo argument or idle driving a Volt in LA Traffic
  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Did I tell you that you could speak to me?

    I'll lean into anything you have to say to me or anyone here if I chose to.
  19. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker $13.85 and hour and you can wash my dishes, stock my bar, and bus my tables. It's on a 1099 so there are no withholdings.

    He has to have a business license to do a 1099 or a gigga worker.
    I had to go get a license in San Jose just for uber and lyft to work Mineta Airport. he has to have a EIN number or he can't file tax forms.
  20. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You are a veteran

    the gender wars, the war on drugs, THE IRMATOLOGY WARS, etc, the war on totse, the protocol wars

    The evil goats made sure this wouldn't be the Century of Prosperity without them getting it first.

    the AAA Loan scandal aka 2008 fiasco made the average home owner a buttload of money when their properties doubled and tripled in value in a 4-5 year period from 2003-2007ish

    People lost everything and moved into Tent Cities, Bankers who should have been going to prison ended up getting multi million dollar severance packets while the Tax payer paid for the bail out. happened again last year in the SVB collapse?

    Bush family and their security companies and Cheney and Bush both stock holders of Halliburton.

    that's illegal to give a contract to your own company to fix pipelines that American Pilots and the Axis team both destroy.
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