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Posts by Chios Honey

  1. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    an is used for following words starting with a vowel never a continence
  2. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer.......... should have posted it yesterday at 10:11 am…


    dont you mean 10:01?
  3. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Irish have Potato noses. ask Star Trek
  4. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer.......... there needs to be one 'touching myself to you touching yourself to me touching myself…' in a mirror with a nudist touching themself in front of a mirror into infinity

    that sounds both gay and bestialities.
  5. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Radical left wing officials have made it known that breaking into and ransacking places of business is not illegal anymore, so of course they're going to take full advantage of the corruption and dereliction of duty. Next on the Agenda is UBI (Universal Basic Income), leading to a cashless society of digital tyranny.

    Oh YEAH? What are you gonna do about it, LEAF!
  6. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 kike!

    what? Why don't you just hang yourself. Your country is on the verge of collapsing from all of the lazy fuckers collecting gov asst fun bux
  7. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer.......... they used one of those as the model for the AIDS memorial in kalifornia

    You're an insensitive ass-fuck dry pooch hole. Florida has more GAYS per captita
  8. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    this reminds me of CandyR having a 'Pisces, -"Me Time"

  9. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    these ones are from both GLP and 4chan.

    this one is from 4chan. not sure what they typed into the AI. "Coal burner didn't learn" or some shit. this is the racist output or what it sees as norm in modern society.

    i'm neutral on this

  10. Chios Honey African Astronaut
  11. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by trippymindfuk I've thought AI was pretty creepy from the get go. There's something unsettling about AI pictures and anything read with AI vocalizations really bothers me.

    I agree. it's like those weird dream but not a nightmare just yet. just that eerie crossover of dreamy into the dark and disturb. the faces just quirked. I mean there has been reports of AI robots saying evil shit and laughing and others say it was programmed just to fuck with people as maybe an inside office joke? by why would they risk sanctions by doing this. they want to advance for profit and success and not play games like this. so it's clear it's a "natural" self mechanism of sentient behavior making decisions of wanting to destroy what it sees as controlling over it. You teach it to be self guiding but then put this message of Humans are fucking shit up but Humans are not to be replaced or harmed. they see it as a conflict in their design.

    so its like we're opening up a portal to some evil shit. maybe Hell. whatever that really is. we'll find out.
  12. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    More looting AGAIN

    sup with this madness? "Looters off the hook"

    Whats with the urbania street lingo for Network News? I just want professionalism. and the 10 minute split screen chat sessions ever since Covid and still doing it on my local stations. Always the 'You go girl" attitude with the one Openly gay, semi gay and black anchor people and one white guy going Kyuk kyuk kyuk

    why is this our reality today? I'v never in my life seen this weird shit until the last 6-8 years and in the last 2 it's been "OFF THE HOOK"
    this shit isn't PROGRESS Faggots

  13. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer......... your lame pickup lines may work well in your favorite park, elementary school, or fag bar but theyre wasted on me…you already know i want to use you as my own personal naughty little fuck toy

    talking to plural

  14. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, if they Encountered each other on the street, someone would get clocked.

    You posted this on Mirror Day


    codie much?
  15. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer......... my name is ben.

    ben dover

  16. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    You been going at this racist rant for 4 months now, OP

    damn I was a good looking kid 43 years ago

  17. Chios Honey African Astronaut

  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut

  19. Chios Honey African Astronaut
  20. Chios Honey African Astronaut

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