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Posts by Pete Green

  1. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker

    Using your logic in sarcasm form. clearly you failed
  2. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Who's that? Cuz ya don't know me Pauliwog.

    Is everything about you? Wow what a fucking ego you have. sure to be the cause of your own demise.

    I'm sure if it happens to you you can use your former skillsets to just collect insurance and walk
  3. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That's because you don't have either one.

    talk about rent free. you're very thread stalkish.

    did you save any of that money to fix that mushroom of your on your face?
  4. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Just got off work on tc talking to issues313 and fontaplants about to clean my place up a bit before my gf comes over

    Just don't tell her about you rolling over on your daughter and causing her death. She probably wont find it as funny as seem to.
  5. Pete Green African Astronaut
    I'm not stoking your fucking non-existing talents nor ego outside of the one talent of understanding some basic chemistry. take it to the next fucking level.

    stop post whoring your "accomplishments" which you have none
  6. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Why not Minot? Yeah man yeahhhhhhhhhbbbbbbb (huffs treadmill)

    what kind of gibs did they offer you, PAL?
  7. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Last night, while trying to sleep the Mental Rent of NIGGASIN*SPACE and the Totse (c) BG image in the basic UI kept taunting me. like 'Seriouslly.. If not Lanny then who else logs onto this site and why would they place NIGGASIN*SPACE in the SSID?

    it just kind of ate away at me. and then realizing almost an entire year went by before I came to realize "Oh LANNY" LANNY is from that "Hunt for the Hunter" forum of Zoklet back in Janurary of 2013 where I was sitting and using the public library in Walnut Creek California where totse's physical mail went to PO Box 5xxx whatever

    So the more I dealt with this fucking mental squatting in my head the more I realized we have a groomed victim here. Did Lanny's parents or other family members introduce him to the world of totse and zoklet.

    I mean I knew this before but the more i roll it around in my mental domain the more it's clear this shit is way too many coincidences

    sure NirvanaNet came out of Berkeley and a large population here took CS at Cal and other local campus or just self taught but lets process this for a moment if we can

    I did Not KNow GiGi when I was on zoklet and Lanny's "Take your med Skitzo" response. I didn't even meet her until well over a year later and even then, I was renting an office space in Alameda with a shower and bathroom below (really cheap too). I didn't move into this place until a few months before I came across that WIFI name. as a matter of fact, I was living in the back of my pickup truck with a camper shell on the back, traded it in as a down for a new Honda Van to live more comfortably in. then my brother said "I rented an office off campus in Berkeley, pay me 300 a month and you can crash here and just use your Gym membership to shower at. plenty of restaurants on this street" (off shattuck and bart train access just 50 feet from the front door), lived there for nearly a year and THEN rented in Alameda for over a year and THEN moved here and came across this WiFi name and I was like "oh Space is a new subfix for the internet.. I wonder if I type this in as a URL if... Oh Look a BBS followed by WHATTT.. TOTSE BG? with the same fucking forum names.

    then months later I figured out OH Wow,. This is who Lanny is.

    And I still believe Frala is friends with Lostcause

    Frala didn't just wander over here because DH was closing down and Oh Hey, Hurry and find an alternative BBS to continue on.

    No fucking way. And I'll tell you why. Because LANNY Didn't register with ICANN. there was no search at the time.

    lots of fucking BBS forums including Reddit you guys could have taken your little show to.

    nothing makes sense outside of One coincidence after another. it's gliding through. it's like "hey.. come this way.. lets hold your hand and glide you to this very spot.. Oh no, What another coincidence" and when I point that out "Take your Meds Skits"

    and it even gets a boost with Alice Hunter being a Physician and telling her physician friends "he's on meds" while being told to leave at John Muir where she was Lead Physician of ER

    So really, Lanny and Frala. Who the fuck are you?

    And Panny. Told by several people that Metaphys had visited him in prison and Panny might be related to Jeff Hunter and the real cherry is Lanny's wife or Brother in Law is a FBI agent. Just like Zoklet was an FBI agent or FBI Asset as a computer wiz who graduated from CS out of Ohio? Go Red?

    Far LEFT MUCH?

    Bob1 and Bob2 from DEVO. they were from Kent state.. guess what. Both members had ties to both cDc in Texas and lead members of CHurch of SubGenius which got a lot of ad push on totse along with cDc being mirrored on totse. cDc given its own lead page

    Beto O'Roarke much?

    another Advertisement going on. Seems weird Alex Jones would advertise infowars on a Leftist site now doesnt it?
  8. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala He’s tied up. And don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten about everybody else that insulted me yesterday. I’m getting to you. It’s just that…computers are hard.

    so You're living in the Bay Area now I hear. where did you guys chose to move to? back to Berkeley where WiFi SSID NIGGASIN*SPACE showed up aka My Hood?
  9. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood because that's not the economy i'm in. I am part of the underground, the shadow market &
    i'm a chemhack not a chemist

    im not professionally trained at all , 100% self taught. I learned bench chemistry through meth cook writeups and MDMA cooking and eventually got bored of that. I memorized how to make every illegal drug and every precursor to pretty much anything

    That didn't answer my question. If you're capable of understanding this (which you seem to have some understanding but I'm sure with dangerous false leads) you should get a proper education and enjoy the fruits of the same kind of labor and work you seem to be so passionate about. how in the fuck do you benefit from a shadowy existence? lol FLMAO. I mean the legal cost if you get busted could easily pay for the college expenses maybe 5 times over. Holy fucking shit. Get your shit together. You have the will to do this shit.

    I was offered a Pharm Tech schooling by the Rx store I worked in behind the counter as a helper and I turned it down. You know why? Because I have 0 ability to listen to old people rant which is selfish in a way but you have to understand what I suffer from. its not a lack of compassion but it stacks up on my own personal issues of being sick. so I left. I honestly wouldn't of been able to succeed because of the ADD effect. I would of probably killed someone accidentally by derp while refilling a script. today its mostly done by machines.
  10. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood you[re a nazi kike lover

    I dont dislike Jewish people. I dislike false Jews especially for profit and the ability to control in the name of the Hebrew people

    a Kike is literally the word Circle or Group. kikel(sp) the belief was that during WWII Jews were rounded up and when released or even signing in, many weren't educated and so they were taught to place a K (For Kosher?) with a circle around it. shorten to Kike and used by Neo Nazi fascist fucks.
    kind of like 'X marks the spot"

    another misunderstanding of a Jew rubbing their hands together is it's not Greedy. It's actually a sign ending an agreement or stalemate of rubbing your hand as they were knocking clay from their hands at the end of a day's worth of work in the field. it's a symbol of "this is over with. We're through" and not Greed.

    The video going around from an Old Film about Israelis waving a flag and throwing a baby into Baal's mouth on a stage performance is real but it's Baal. the Golden Yak (Baal, Molach'esque) was the false God that Jews worshipped when they didn't wait for Moses to come out of Mt Sinai with the 2 tablets of the 10 Commandments. The person who released this Gif or Web video file edited out the ending. The part of Moses coming out of the Mountain and condemning them for this act of evil sacrifice to a false God Baal. Melting the Golden Yak (Baal) and into the Ark of the Covenant.

    Everything is manipulated to keep people fighting one another by the Elitist.
  11. Pete Green African Astronaut
    You're a real character, Scron.

    Keep up the good work of trolling
  12. Pete Green African Astronaut
    ^Death by contact of toxins in smoke is what I meant. Like the First Respondents (Cops, Firefighters, Ambulance, Volunteer search and rescue) during 9/11. dying 20 years later

    You're in the ball-park of Lucky Larry and his buddies behind 9/11 and yes, they may not of funded it but they profited and knew in advance but were never prosecuted or investigated properly because the powers at the time forced people to stand down while No WMD's started a war with a nation not involved
  13. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Maybe they'll post your bail after you are released from medical care.

    You're a knucklehead with 0 ability to have any kind of control of the system you think you beat. even if your insurance fraud stories are made up you're persona is criminal intent on a day to day. you should of been a cop in California. Very corrupt and manipulating process going on up in that head of yours.

    but something tells me you got away with something that may have harmed a few firefighters (Your uncle and father were one?) and possibly death from smoke inhalation which lead to cancer. just from your 3 job experience you claimed.

    if that was true. how fucked up is that? your own family's comrades. FOR PROFIT
  14. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Lee et al. provide a method for chemical synthesis of LK-99: 2  in three steps. First they produce lanarkite from a 1:1 molar mixing of lead(II) oxide (PbO) and lead(II) sulfate (Pb(SO4)) powders, and heating at 725 °C (1,000 K; 1,340 °F) for 24 hours:

    PbO + Pb(SO4) → Pb2(SO4)O.

    Then, copper(I) phosphide (Cu3P) is produced by mixing copper (Cu) and phosphorus (P) powders in a 3:1 molar ratio in a sealed tube under a vacuum and heated to 550 °C (820 K; 1,000 °F) for 48 hours:: 3 

    3 Cu + P → Cu3P.

    Then, lanarkite and copper phosphide crystals are ground into a powder, placed in a sealed tube under a vacuum, and heated to 925 °C (1,200 K; 1,700 °F) for between 5‒20 hours: 3 

    Pb2(SO4)O + Cu3P → Pb10-xCux(PO4)6O + S (g), where 0.9 < x < 1.1.

    There were a number of problems with the above synthesis from the initial paper. The reaction is not balanced, and others reported the presence of copper(I) sulfide (Cu2S) as well. For x = 1 x=1 a balanced reaction might be:

    5 Pb2SO4O + 6 Cu3P → Pb9Cu(PO4)6O + 5 Cu2S + Pb + 7 Cu.

    Many syntheses produced fragmentary results in different phases, where some of the resulting fragments were responsive to magnetic fields, other fragments were not. The first synthesis to produce pure crystals found them to be diamagnetic insulators.


    I dont know if you're a copypasta kinda guay

    but umm.. if you truly understand this chemistry shit. Why are you not getting a chemist degree and become a Pharmacist? prior? I think Canada could expunge that if thats why. you need to do something. if not allowed to be a pharmacist, then go work in a fucking lab and make 6 figures a year. fuck you doing living off of Social Security bullshist in your 30s.

    you could of had a PhD degree by now during covid shutin.
  15. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood you are clearly very upset and triggered like A LITTLE BITCH


    imagine caring


    ^Coming from a delusional fuck who reams out another mans asshole.

  16. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker So you're a frog shit eating fly. Got it, Frogigi used to shit all over you.

    You got it backwards. I mean she's very well loved and respected because she's very generous. Im generous too, I'v helped homeless in the past but overall Im a giant piece of shit compared to her. You want to shit on me thats fine, but talking shit about her just shows you're doing so to push my buttons which Im used to. but she's a dedicated Buddhist who chants for world peace and for people to do better in life.

    this is why I have 0 respect for you. Not because you say mean shit about her but you inability to come up with something really clever. instead you use 7 year old schoolyard mentality and you're serious with this. Not playful troll but serious about just attacking whoever is in the courtyard

    sacrificing innocents to get to your intended victim. it shows from your past of profiteering with crime, boasting about it and ratting people out NOT Because it's the best choice to protect others over yourself. but because a paycheck was attached to it while having 0 morals. You literally are exactly what would be targeted in Prison if you ever got busted for prier shit and went to GP. they would have to put you in solitary confinement or protective custody to protect your ass for being that kind of snitch.

    I believe the term for you besides Rat Fink is Anti-Hero. you're an anti-hero. you kill for thrill. you do harm because it makes you feel like you're in the lead when you're the lowest scumbag there is.

    You mean 0 to me. so harp on, little demon boy
  17. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Posting on a Nazi site where everyone is delusional that Trump is succeeding. if he does, it's because this is all a side show.

    He was such a great friend of Lucky Larry. Im sure our "fren" Douggie understands that. Lucky Larry and his luck
    with Insurance Fraud. inside info "Guilty by harboring evidence with intent to profit"

    talk about RICO. how come Trump is getting RICO if this is legit and they turned on their former Liberal friend. Yes, Trump changed parties because he once was funding the Clinton heavily. but does he still and is this just an elaborate show? hard to tell.

    meanwhile Biden is still useful and if he ends up having a Heart Attack or Strokes out into memory hospice, then and only then will Hunter be imprisoned probably for life.

    They might just be nothing more than a heavy burden with an expired date printed on them soon to be tossed aside into the rancid meat bin. AKA Suicided or Imprisoned.

    but Trump is done. he's overweight, pushing 80 and no fucking way in more than a year and a half to go just to get into the white house, will he be leader for 4 years more.

    if he does, they found use for him (They being the other Elitist)

    its just a game to keep you morons tied in and blinded of what really is happening behind the curtain. where the fuck is Toto
  18. Pete Green African Astronaut
    umm.. In the USA the law for "lebensraum" is called Eminent Domain

    the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation.
  19. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker The same way frog princess laughed when she went "to spend time with friends out of town" without you?

    She's a frog because she squatted and took a shit on your mushroom nose to attract flies (me) and Happily ever After, while you're Toadstool nose grew and grew from her flowery shit-smelling excrement.
  20. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Amazing how everyone is abandoning Trump.

    Guliani is probably going to die in Prison

    and this poor guy could have died more honorably as a hero in a coup attempt against Putin rather than death as one of Putin's victims.

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