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Posts by Kafka’s Bitch

  1. Kafka’s Bitch Yung Blood (banned)
    I was chillin with the family and my bro was showing me his Minecraft level and he says "I need a powerup" and pulls out this bottle of pills, crushes one up and snorts it like cocaine right in front of me

    I was like yo who sold my kid brother fucking speed but his name was on the bottle.

    He doesn't even have ADHD he just faked it reading a guide on the internet and said he can't concentrate in school and now he just snorts his pills and plays Minecraft and fortnite all day

    He got in trouble from skipping school, parents thought he was getting in trouble around town but he just sat in his room doing lines and making a redstone computer in Minecraft
  2. Kafka’s Bitch Yung Blood (banned)
    right on ⚪ cue ball 👩🏿‍🦲 " NSA's top field baby"👮👨🏻‍🍼I'm being escorted by the government!👨🏻‍⚖️ *BLEAT*🐑special agent sheep of the forum police 🚔🚨🐕‍🦺🚁WEEE WOO WEEE WOO PULL OVER,👮 "excuse me sir but you realize how much of a racist you're being?" Lengthy Members Ravishing my Anus! Ow!,

    bend over , stop squirming while I tie you up
    be a good sheep and *bleat* for me.
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