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Posts by AFJ

  1. AFJ Houston
    Theres thread on /b/ right now, waaaaay more people interested in them than you'd think. lol
  2. AFJ Houston
    Originally posted by NARCassist are they made for putting your dick into or what?

    Order one and tell us!

    That is, if it even makes it past customs... Which seems to be a roll of the dice.
    I've read some news articles about customs catching some of these, which never ends well for the orderer. lolz

    The ONLY way I would think anyone would have the slightest chance of tilting the odds in their favor of getting one or many through customs, is if someone owned a childrens clothing company and needed mannequins.
    Obviously, for use as mannequins for their company.

    Apparently, referred to as "miniature adult" dolls , coincidentally having small or VERY small boobs(nonexistent) are easier to get.
    Some guys like to pose them for pics and stuff on /b/.

    ...They most likely live in a country that doesn't fuckin care tho, so... whatever.
  3. AFJ Houston
    Originally posted by benny vader those ads are 12year old.

    they're older than the dolls then
  4. AFJ Houston
  5. AFJ Houston
    I think the more the better.
  6. AFJ Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Get me one of these instead pls.

    And North Korea is not a fan
  7. AFJ Houston
    Schplew's MMPI thread on Zoklet... perhaps on the wayback machine???

    ...Or another way?
  8. AFJ Houston
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 JoePedo's chemistry posts were really cool to read. And I thought it was hilarious how, if someone insulted him for being a pedo in an unrelated thread, he would write those twelve page diatribes in barely intelligible philosophic jargon about consent laws and shit

    I think that was him, anyway
    I cant believe I forgot about him!! XD

    I'll just be adding this here...
  9. AFJ Houston
    Originally posted by benny vader pedo joe

    HOLY SHIT!! I cant believe I forgot about him.
  10. AFJ Houston
    Two are already here.

    Transit Masturbator
    Sexually Vulnerable CPR Dummy
    Are the only other two I can think of.
  11. AFJ Houston
    This thread reminds me of when RisiR said "why do you guys post pics like this???"
  12. AFJ Houston
  13. AFJ Houston
    Meh... idc tbh
    ...was just trying to add to it.

    ...have no idea why my post came out the way it did. Lol
  14. AFJ Houston
  15. AFJ Houston
    Originally posted by mashlehash This is still a THREAD with no content.

  16. AFJ Houston
    Score!! I'm #1
  17. AFJ Houston
  18. AFJ Houston
    Originally posted by Dargo I told him he doesn't have to call me 'dad' or anything, but he still does because he wants to.

    That's actually really cool man.

  19. AFJ Houston
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I'm blown away that some of you on this site are trying to truly justify it's OK to find children (especially 4 or in that age bracket) attractive naked.

    or that not all pedophiles are rapist.

    I figured this was totse shock trolling but now some of you are just in fact sick and dangerous people.

    Your @utism level is at 93.7% and growing!!

    You will surpass 100% showing us new levels of retardation the world has never seen before!
  20. AFJ Houston
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