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Posts by kick

  1. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
  2. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Originally posted by D-Bonglord Is that donny trumps wife

    No, it's lil tiny from south east europe. She never had ketchup til she went high school.
  3. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Milena, I'm telling you woman, I literally don't care that you don't have teeth, I don't care that you're 120lbs overweight... None of that. I'm literally telling you that all you have to do is saddle up, and we be cool... And it would be nice if you went in and got some regens at the hospital

    For all you know, if you sit your butt down, chill out and relax, we might actually make some friends.
  4. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Man... I can not break this Woman for nothing, man. Like, I was like... Ok, you're home, we're chilling... Everything I've done with this woman, I've literally had to go the extra mile... And then go the extra mile again

    I was like... "Alright, atleast we're not ugly, we're not blind, and we have money to live." I was like, whatever, we don't have money to get married right now, whatever, we'll get to that point. And it wasn't even a conflict of interest... I legitimately wanted to just be "Ruck" buddies with this woman, and have someone to cool out with, shoot the breeze, and be occupied with. NO, she literally makes everything a effin' math problem, Man. And I'm like, wtf, Man. And I'm not trying to disenfranchise anybody, it's just that, it really does take work to get where I am, and to be who I am, and to be where I'm from. I'm serious, a lot of work.. Fuckin', and I still haven't made it to college. I really don't want for much, and I'm like, "Ok, just sit down and chill with me and watch tv with me, so we don't have to go to prison, please... And there it is again, a math problem. And I just don't know what to do. Like I said, she passes the salt, but, like... Freakin', she makes everything so much a math problem... And I was like... "What do You want?" And I get that math problems can be hard with people like her... But everything's a stone, all the time. And I'm like, do you want to play runescape??? I thought It would be fun... I have a good account, a house a throne room... Teleportation ability... I was like, "Do you want to play?".. Cause' I really actually wanted that part of her mind stimulated... Even before her Mom passed. Anyway, she's sitting here calling the law over literally spilled milk.. Fuckin', she's in the ER trying to get her nails done... And I said, I don't care at this point, even if we're playing 360. Freakin', I was like, because... Hey, look... I can't even enjoy pot anymore Man, because everybody has basically broke that feedback loop for me, Man. I used to have really enjoyable times smoking it, anywhere anytime.. It really is a drug you have to "Evolve" with, Man, or else you get too high, or not high enough... Fuckin' that's the truth... It really is shitty, I really used to enjoy that shit Man... Fuckin', anyway. Now, fuckin, even opiates, I'm over sensitive, meth, I'm not hydrated enough... Now all I really got is my fuckin vidya gaem, man.. And fuckin', Milena... She can chill and watch tv with me... And I guess, I do like driving around...

    Ladies and gentlemen, this has been my Tard talk.
  5. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Originally posted by aldra please put your franchise away sir

  6. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Originally posted by aldra there are too many cocks on this website

    Who you disenfranchising, homie?
  7. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Originally posted by kick I look like a 6-foot tall bilbo baggins with a neckbeard lol.

    It's not funny in a rhetorical way, it genuinely is just me being, with, having an interesting physique lol.
  8. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Nice cock though, what's your size? No homo btw.

    I look like a 6-foot tall bilbo baggins with a neckbeard lol.
  9. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    My nigga, Kurt Laramie.
  10. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Said no nigger, ever.
  11. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Originally posted by kick niggas goin in labor sittin around trying to think about how they gon get me back at the tard house
  12. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    OP, when you and CandyRein gonna play Runescape with me?
  13. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
  14. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    niggas goin in labor sittin around trying to think about how they gon get me back at the tard house
  15. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Now I can finally put some fuckin clothes on thank you God!
  16. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Trust me, snort a sub and after you've been rolling for 2-3 hours, go drink a glass of water… You'll see.
  17. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked If she it tastes like salt she should probably hydrate better

    Na, water makes you feel like a plastic bag… It's about the salt.
  18. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    Who you disenfranchisin' now, nigga?
  19. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]

    Haters mad
  20. kick Tuskegee Airman [discourteously tickle this dendrolagus]
    I literally fuck with her explicitly because she's the only woman out hurr, literally, passing the salt.
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