your helping me get my count up my post count. the reason i dont belive your scrawnny is because you have to work tommorrow and its past your bedtime he works from idk morning time some time i useually see him online at like 3am then he goes to work
scawnny i have know since i was in grade 8 or 9.
theres a fucking cat visiting the window my cat will be happy shes an indoor cat
Ok so i had a job for a ball park at one time and i went to work every day i heard voices on the regular they would call out to me even while i was doing my personal buinsness if you know what i mean it was quite annoying anyways one day they are like telling me that they can give me pleasure even make me expirience a female orgasm and im male so once they made me expirience it i was like maybe it is real so then i started takeing it seriousely which i usually do but im forgetfull and i just usually forget to take it seriously anyways it starts saying that it is going to give me pleasure if i listen first it tells me to spin in a circle and make sure no one can hear me talk to myself so i do and i am given a large dose of pleasure all day it feels like im in constant orgasm i start smiling and being bubbly because of it but it is short lived because it convinces me its a scientist or evil intent that they are doing it so i quit eating like a hunger strike stay awake for like 2 days just walking trying to burn myself out i keep getting crazyier and crazyier eventually i go on auto pilot multiple personality takes over and i start screaming at people im trying to do cold fusion with no water and then after that people call the police on me becauese i scream at someone i need water and then say no i dont and then scream at them again and say nvm me and walk away fast alot of people called the police on me and so i get arrested and taken to the metal hospital in the mental hospital im demanding trying to bargain for a button that makes me feel pleaseure no one knows what im talking about i remember trying to use my hand to show my dick size to people and them laughing at my hand but probably had no idea thats what i meant by it i was pretty cray at that time thought that people wanted to know my dick size for some reason anyways my trip to the hospital my pee stops working and the voice turns against me and starts interrogating me meanwhile i cant pee and it hurts so bad i freaked out so much about it eventually it says that i was like bad or something and someone walks up to me while im in the bubble room because i scared someone with a dirty look. I yelled like a lunatic at the person screaming profanity through the door that person turned out to be the twins form my childhoods mother which was funny because i told her i knew her and she said i dont know her and she was wrong. After i got out i was medicated for a while until i got my next job i was afraid to go to the doctors because you can be fired for any reason the first month and i have to see the doctor in the day time when i work which also resulted in another hospital trip from not taking my meds. anyways recently i have become almost immune atleast to the pleasure suppresent that my med does now im feeling pleasure again which usually drives me loopy but i have called it pgad and schitzofrenia that persistant genital arrosal disorder which is rare in men but i know is not impossible. other things that have happend once they said they played a sound that attacked me and i was hit with like a frying pan but nothing hit me fucked me up which made me think maybe theres fuckingn microbots in my head or some shit i have had alot of thoughts on what could be causeing my issues but really it doesnt matter its all a game of chess to me id rather it know when i want it to know and have it know nothing when i dont want it to know.
spells are basically the replacement for granades in this game but instead of being limited they work on a cooldown
I am a spellshot i cast spells all the time duel wielding spells one of my skills makes spells much stonger but i cant regenerate ward naturally i only regenerate by reloading and casting spells but i cast pretty often i have good cooldown for my spells
cinniimon toast crunch bitch im gonna have dia betes by time i get old enough to vote on mars just saying its probably like 40 to be able to vote on mars
i was having fun unti1 i got to a boss with not enough respawn fodder and i killed all his respawn fodder and i was left with a boss with a huge ass health bar and no way to revive myself. I need help at this game playing hardest difficulty its not that difficult just the bosses can be bullshit at times