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Posts by President Donald J. Trump

  1. x^4 means nothing in this context as well. How does cubing x mathematically represent or relate to "average posts per day"? Lowest value retort yet buddy. Good luck trying to explain this one.

    Also δ isnt even a measure of posts but rather a measure of poster value as denoted by a formula I created. It goes something like so,

    Formula: (15 x n) + m where n = number of pages - 1 and m = last page and the constant 15 is the number of thanks per page

    (15 x n) + m = T

    Then divide your post count by number of thanks

    P / [(15 x n) + m] = P/T = δ where δ is the poster value
  2. Now one time I was in my limo right? And I see a guy getting attacked. So I say to my driver, I tell him, my driver is a tremendous guy by the way, I say we need to stop this. I get out of the car and look at the guy and say, this guy looks scared by the way because we are in New York, wonderful city, best city in the world, I was there on 911 it was a massive effort, really fantastic people the world loved us, and we are in New York City and everyone knows Trump, and I look at him and I say to him, "Not today buddy" and I point at him while I say it and the guy is terrified, he knows hes been Trumped. Anyway I help the guy to the hospital, we became great friends, very close, good guy. So yes, I have rescued anything.

  3. This website is full of some real great guys. The guy who runs it, Lanny, is an old friend. Great guy, really terrific. We have worked on a lot of deals and he comes through every time. Now listen, we got a lot of problems. YUGE PROBLEMS! But don't you worry America because I am going to get this country back on track. I'm going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. I dont care if they like it or not, they have been abusing us for a long time and I am going to get this done. Its going to get done! Now my polls are great, no one is polling better than Trump. You see Jeb over there spending millions of dollars, dollars he got from his dad and from his dads friends, on ad after ad. Meanwhile I don't spend even a million and the media cant get off of me! All publicity is good publicity am I right?

    Its time to get politicians out of politics. Lets get our country back and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I love you all, you guys are tremendous.
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