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Posts by Migh

  1. Migh Houston
    What crimes would you say are easier to commit in the US compared to where you live?

    Shoplifting is likely easier here and credit card fraud was likely easier in the past due to the US not having the chip for so long.

    Also, what crimes are not as easy?
  2. Migh Houston
    Originally posted by jerryb Anyone going hungry in the US today is a retard. Most stores don't even say anything to shoplifters, go in get you something to eat and walk out.

    With obesity and overweighness being at 75% of the population, I dont think anyone is truly hungry, just broke.
  3. Migh Houston
  4. Migh Houston
    I dont have to pay for most things so saving up money is easy.

    So no.

    Posted while eating a free sub sandwich.
  5. Migh Houston
    Sophie == Kafka?
  6. Migh Houston
    Originally posted by Kafka She's dating a heroin addict pedo who's cheating on his wife now.

    Is this in the Netherlands?
  7. Migh Houston
    Today is the 8th. We'll see if he shows.
  8. Migh Houston
    Four more days to the 12th.
  9. Migh Houston
    I am actually developing software for this. It is functional. I am currently working on the speech to text part. All is written in Python.
  10. Migh Houston
    System.out.println("Did you not know that Kafka " + Kafka == Sophie?"is ":"is not " + "Sophie");
  11. Migh Houston
    The last post by Sophie was...

    Originally posted by Sophie Yes but only in the 5th octave.

    This may point to when Sophie comes back.

    Possibly the 12th of May, the 5th of December, 8th of May, or 5th of August.

    Please help deciper.
  12. Migh Houston
    I watched the sun set today.
  13. Migh Houston
    Originally posted by Kafka Can you come to the Netherlands? There's something I need help with.


    I can.
  14. Migh Houston
    Originally posted by Bradley I am purchasing another one for 100-120$, they max out at 23 MPH, not sure where theyre coming from but they're definitely stolen, 4 hours at the highest speed I could manage it (23mph) on one charge isn't bad. I think four people on them doing a drive by would be INCREDIBLE but we'd need an SUV to toss them bitches in a block or two away and I don't have an SUV or 3 cool friends.

    Just steal a rental.
  15. Migh Houston
    We must find Sophie. I will reach out to many resources.
  16. Migh Houston
    Originally posted by jerryb Does anyone know his real name. Imagine fuys someone rolls into your country asking if they've seen Sophie from

    I would profile his vocabularly, then when in the Neatherlands I would obtain citizen records and fil ter by age. I would build a bot that profiles the vocabulary of any citizens that fit the age range of our Sophie. I would then match the vocabulary and fruther fil ter based on online activities and time frames. Then, once I had a small group of matches, I would investigate each individual.
  17. Migh Houston
    Can AI commit fraud for me?
  18. Migh Houston
    Its been over five months.

    Maybe one of us should take a trip to the Neatherlands to search for him.
  19. Migh Houston
    We need answers.
  20. Migh Houston
    Originally posted by Bradley I read the that he died.

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