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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass l***y the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer.........

  1. Originally posted by aldra Predict correctly, win a prize maybe. No idea what. I've loosely ordered them from most to least likely in my opinion, but I'll probably change my mind by the time I finish writing.

    1. Taiwan - China's making noise to retake it, the US is antagonising by dropping the 'one China' policy and ramping up weapons sales. Seems likely - for all their talk it's unlikely the US would intervene directly, but they'll use it for political points after the fact. The massive effect on the world economy is a deterrent though; Taiwanese leadership have essentially said the first thing they'll do in the case of a Chinese attack is level all their semiconductor/IC infrastructure.

    2. Ukraine - Western media's constantly banging on about 'the Russians coming!', but Russia stands to gain nothing by attacking. If anything, the west would win if Russia became entangled in a conflict with the Ukraine because rebuilding even just the East to the point where it could be integrated into the Federation would be a massive drain on their economy. Most likely scenario is the Ukrainian government going hard on the breakaway Eastern provinces and drawing Russia in on 'humanitarian' reasons, through massacres and/or a massive exodus across the border.

    3. Middle East - a lot of things simmering and being overshadowed by the above because they don't directly relate to a peer military. Syria is still a mess, largely thanks to Turkey. Political power in Afghanistan is being undermined and attacked by various intelligence agencies to prevent them becoming economically or politically close to China. Iran just today fired off AA guns at one of their biggest nuclear facilities (there's no real will to return to the JCPOA), claiming it was a drill. OPEC's oil output capacity, and hence their power and stability, is waning.

    4. European Missile Crisis - Russia's just now issued NATO with an ultimatum - come to an agreement limiting missile deployment in Europe, specifically in previous 'buffer' states like the Ukraine and Poland, or Russia will begin deploying strategic weapons much closer to key NATO locations and the US homeland. This is a direct parallel to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The US will not respond to the ultimatum, so you can expect to see deployment of strategic missile systems in places like Belarus and the Arctic, as well as mobile platforms in the Atlantic such as traditional SLBMs alongside concealed platforms like the Club-K (though those systems are more likely to house ASBMs, not nuclear weapons or traditional ballistic missiles). This is more likely to be gradual escalation than direct conflict, but Russia's overwhelming superiority in the field of missiles and interception and the US' abject refusal to negotiate as equals makes it very volatile.

    5. Civil War inside the US - This one is a wildcard. Seems unlikely, but never really off the table. There's more and more friction between states and the feds with the latest example being the Oklahoma National Guard telling the federal government to get fucked over their vaccine mandate. It gets worse with increased partisan divides, and worse still with the entire federal administration being so profoundly unpopular.

    D) all of the above
  2. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "The truth doesn't mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."

    the same reason j­ews are constantly complaining about 'antisemitism, oy vey' and trying to make hate-speech laws.
  3. Originally posted by Bradley I rear a lot of men at no cost.

    Sgl you seem very hungry for large cock. Have you considered having a hot dog to hold you over?

    how much do you charge to take it in the ass by a large cock
  4. Originally posted by stl1 I have NEVER seen numbers claiming 85-90% vaccination rates for the general population and claim more of your made-up bullshit. It doesn't even make sense to claim a larger number if you are wanting to get the unvaccinated vaccinated.

    Once again, I dare you to show proof of your ridiculous statement and, as usual, don't expect to see said proof insofar as you just made it up and pulled it out of your ass, Speculum.

    Put up or shut up, you lying windbag blowhard.

    the only proof needed is the immense censorship and immunity from prosecution for the manufacturers. that tells everything that anyone needs to know.

    if there werent anything to hide they wouldnt need to censor
  5. we have the moral obligation to eat more meat
  6. Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready When Lanny finally kills this board off, You'll have nothing to do. you'll cry lots.

    you'll cry forever

    this board is already dead
  7. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This thread is now about honey pots.

    honey buns are better

    have one.
  8. Originally posted by Bradley I'm deciding to open up about my same sex molestation by a family member.

    His name was . He was about 8 years older than me. We're not actually related. My mom bought a duplex with her best friend in 2000 and it's his son .

    So here I am at like 4 and 5 and he touches me while we go up north. Not like sodomy but grab my penis type shit, make me grab his penis type shit.

    Told my mom, she and grandma (his grandma not mine but the family is blended kinda) cried over and over saying this would ruin his life. He always had slight dyslexia.

    When he was about 15 and I was 7 the molestation stopped. I believe this is why I have homosexual tendencies.

    I remember thinking should I fuck his cousin who was an 8 year old male when I was about 13. I did not because I raised what it would do him.


    He has a wife and two children and I think about killing him on and off.

    As I struggle accepting myself as a faggot.

    Thank you for sharing and I felt as though I should share my experience.

    duct tape him, his wife, and both kids. rape them all. post pics.
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