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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longling little labia along with his lovely lips like the lascivious lovely lass allowed his uncle larry when he was little

  1. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz A junkie, a pervert, a psycho and a womanizer eh

    no one wants to hear about your mothers most qualifying traits.
  2. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Its not stupid, sloppy motherfuckers do this constantly and manage to pull off top notch harvests regularly.

    If youre paranoid, put a faraday cage around the grow + enhancement the air so absolutely no smell escapes.

    But you suck at life and couldnt improvise your way out of a wet paper sack.

    Apartment is a lame excuse people have been regurgitating forever

    you would have to gain about 500 IQ points to be considered retarded.

    a faraday cage will have literally zero effect on a weed grow. f­iltering the air is irrelevant. you also forgot to mention the countermeasure for the electric company/LE monitoring electrical consumption.

    you suck cock and the only way you found your way out of your mothers uterus is because she sat on the toilet to squeeze out a turd from her asshole and you popped out.

    also, youre an idiot
  3. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Were you gay yesterday

    no one needs to ask you that question.

    your answer is always 'fuck my faggot asshole'
  4. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ He can be conjured.

    like harry potter

    a bra cadaver.
  5. Originally posted by STER0S vindicktive vinny is not infinityshock

  6. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Just using his vindictive vinny account. Anyone that doesnt realize this is on some pretty good drugs.

    you are an idiot and have never posted anything that had any relevance or relation to anything accurate.


    not even once.

    youve been consistently wrong about everything.

    also, youre an idiot
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