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Posts by Mike Lindell

  1. Originally posted by STER0S i want to know who set up and organized their press conference/media hardware.

    This is all just for show
    You think the glow niggers are this weak?
    You think the US military is this sloppy?
    They did all this so they can have an excuse to go back in even harder

    I don’t follow geo politics but it’s obvious this is a chess move
  2. Originally posted by Grylls Ive got a 9 incher

  3. Originally posted by aldra should've thought about it before collaborating with an invading army

    You aren’t that stupid
    The oligarchic bloodlines have their people in charge
  4. Originally posted by Grylls I hope they blind the fuck out of you or turn you spastic

    I wear sunglasses and I’m already crazy
  5. Originally posted by aldra yeah maybe he can do a fortnite show like all the other cool kids

    A what?
  6. Originally posted by mmQ I think it's funny youre being all defensive and weird about something I never even said about you.

    I’m not
  7. When the Afghanistan situation broke loose so much was happening, so much chaos and tension.
    People rushing to destroy documents in the American embassy, evacuating people and so much more I’m sure


    What the media DOESNT cover and what you won’t hear about is all the suffering
    Just think of all those people tortured and killed by taliban, imagine what their pain and suffering is like

    So you ever try to put yourself in that position?

    Just imagine the terror as you’re about to be beheaded or thrown off a building

    It’s horrible
  8. Originally posted by mmQ What does this have to do with the vaccine? Don't let my presence distract you from the thread topic.

    It's been a few weeks, I suppose. I've been listening to more psychology/philosophy stuff lately rather than music.

    I just find it funny how you actually think you know fuck all about music compared to someone like me
  9. There were going to be two shows
    If I had money I could have taken a bus to Cleveland and saw him perform

    Oh well

    You know you would think Trent would have capitalized on this whole situation and gotten into livestream performances
  10. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Meanwhile, other people are doing interesting things with LEDs

    This idiot stares at flagpoles for hours yet can’t see how LED light strips would be super entertaining
  11. They sync to music
    I’m super excited
    Hopefully they’re bright and have good depth
  12. Hey mmq, when is the last time you actually sat down and listened to an album all the way through.
  13. I don’t drink energy drinks they’re really awful for you
  14. That was quick
  15. Originally posted by mmQ I assure you you haven't heard of any group I've seen lately other than Sevendust. This nigga trying to hate on a nigga for goin out lol.


    It’s cute how you assume I’m some plebeian like yourself
  16. Originally posted by Wariat wow man awesome. how u been hiki?

    Yeah sorry for not really responding to your posts much
    I hate typing on a mobile device

    I’ve been alright just smoking a ton of weed, drinking tons of beer.
    I ordered some led light strips so soon I’ll be throwing raves!

    What have you been up to?
  17. *dances to house music*
  18. Sitting in your room with LED lights synced to music while a 12 year old blows you off
  20. After nearly half a century of being oppressed by Zionist slaves they have finally won and now peace can be brought to the land

    To all the ZOGbot “soldiers” who lost friends, limbs and their sanity sincerely FUCK YOU
    You kike loving pieces of shit deserve everything that happened to you and I hope you live with that pain for the rest of your pathetic lives


    You scumfucks thought you could just pull into a foreign land and start blowing up their cities, murdering their people and we would praise you?
    HA think again the entire world is laughing at you

    I once had some navy guy try to justify the wars saying we needed the oil
    Those are the types who want us to wage war

    Fuck war
    Fuck globalism
    Fuck imperialism
    Fuck you
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