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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Data I got cut off from my parents back then.

    Now I'm not and I basically have unlimited fuck around money.

    It's honestly funny how much people without money obsess over those that have it. Like they can't possibly believe that anyone else could reach above their lower-middle class status lmao. I guess that's what happens when you only interact with people in your same socioeconomic class.

    I don't obsess over what you have, the only thing I know that you have is dicks up your butt
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Sudo Im just seeing the thumbnail of the guy he killed in the still of the video and he looks like the kind of guy who gets killed

    i thought he looked like the guitar player from slipknot
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Sudo Im just seeing the thumbnail of the guy he killed in the still of the video and he looks like the kind of guy who gets killed

    you ever seen dr grande's channel about analyzing criminals? Pretty interesting

  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    oh look another peedy thread about krolo where peedy talks out of his asshole because I've called him a retard for being a retard

    "hurrr jeffhunter did teh 9/11!"

    by the way I don't think going to jail is cool, its just a thing that has happened to most of the userbase here so its not so farfetched.

    ive obviously triggered you peedy

    i've said I've had felonies, but I never said Ive had a drug felony get off the gas retard
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Data Ok boomer

    okay guy that got turned out by two hill billy junkies and used for beer and cig money lmao
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kal Joose You stupid fucking cunt faggot. Shut up. They had the first dose trials over a year ago.. they kept telling us by summer of 2020 and it kept going, then it was september and then december and then oh now we have 3 companies in the US J&J and Pfizer and the MOn whatever the fuck its called

    its now April 2021 and you´re the dumb cunt. A YEAR TO GET HERE

    oohh okay doyle i bet you believe everything the media tells you, i bet you think 9'11 was done by a few habibs with box cutters and enron didn't screw millions of people over..
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Data Yeah maybe he should have a daughter and abandon her instead

    Way more macho

    I never asked to have a kid and i didn't abondon her nice try tho schlomo
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Shut ur dumbass up, crying like a faggot about abuse & false allegations. Like anyone is plotting & manipulating charges on some Marfan queer without as little a car to his name. 😂 Pretty sure u should worry about ur situation, dummy.

    miss piggy mad, go lay your fat ass down before you break a hoof
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Sudo Nigger who tf are you to be passing judgment? You're literally an alcoholic dishwashing rapist whose parents pay his rent and was in jail last week. I'm sorry that someone else's struggle triggers you so much, especially the "attention whoring" by making a thread about his exploits.

    Thanks for your psychological insight into his mindstate which you dismiss as "attention whoring" with your 60k posts. You obviously don't have anything interesting or insightful or helpful and just want to make it about yourself, because you are jealous of attention…you little whore.

    You are very immature Bill Krozby. Stop raping

    Originally posted by Sudo Nigger who tf are you to be passing judgment? You're literally an alcoholic dishwashing rapist whose parents pay his rent and was in jail last week. I'm sorry that someone else's struggle triggers you so much, especially the "attention whoring" by making a thread about his exploits.

    Thanks for your psychological insight into his mindstate which you dismiss as "attention whoring" with your 60k posts. You obviously don't have anything interesting or insightful or helpful and just want to make it about yourself, because you are jealous of attention…you little whore.

    You are very immature Bill Krozby. Stop raping

    you can't grape the willing

    who are you to pass judgment on me? you don't know anything about me, except lies, go sit down

    im just replying to a thread he made, its fair game on this site, do you know where you are?

    haven't you been bitching and moaning for months about going to prison? I've never been convicted of drugs
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Sudo Nigger who tf are you to be passing judgment? You're literally an alcoholic dishwashing rapist whose parents pay his rent and was in jail last week. I'm sorry that someone else's struggle triggers you so much, especially the "attention whoring" by making a thread about his exploits.

    Thanks for your psychological insight into his mindstate which you dismiss as "attention whoring" with your 60k posts. You obviously don't have anything interesting or insightful or helpful and just want to make it about yourself, because you are jealous of attention…you little whore.

    You are very immature Bill Krozby. Stop raping
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Anyways a lot of mexicans at the border are total scum and are rapist chomo drug dealers tjat will totally put a fire cracker up there own childs asshole for laughs and kidnap kids to get raped and dump them back off at the border for more laughs. Mexico has very depraved parts.

    Its trash if you ever go over there

    By the way peedy and §m£ÂgØL are retards that make up stuff constantly just to go against me

    Peedy is stupid because he keeps calline mexican despite my family has lived in texas always
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kal Joose I was on topic you faggot. You have segue off many a times before. that means Forked. so fork you back, faggot

    Peedy triggered
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    Dude, Move out of Texas if you want to legally get high or stop getting high. stop being drunk in public. stop drinking. handle your shit. start a house painting business. No one is going to do a background check on crime. they will do a back ground check with the BBB.


    It's my state I was born here, they should stay and paint houses in there country or come here normally and not whine and cry when there kids are taken away from them, try to stay on topic peedy

    and I'll do what I want peedy, I pay the consequences and always have for my actions and the beaners should have to also by being jailed so so suck your toe all the way to mexico

    look this thread isn't about me its about how beaners shouldn't surge the texas border you tard, I deserve to live here, they don't, I can't just waltz into mexico anytime I want, try to stay on topic

    and by the way I've never been convicted of drugs so get off the gas idiot

  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kal Joose Im saying that as a warning. If we dont build our infrastructure to the growing World Population. Texas would double anyways with the current local people. it doubles every 40-50 years in population naturally .

    you´re just shifting population around. My fear is the very wealthy around the planet buy land and do it in America to save themselves Taxes by buying houses as a business property for their clients to stay or live and place them in an LLC. the worlds population is growing faster than they thought just 10 years ago when they said it would slow down because people are having less children. but the truth is it suddenly did a 180 an there is a surge now to have more than 2.3 kids.

    You just dont understand demographic shifts and population growths. go where the work is

    nice back pedal.. you're the real racist, you've posted on several occasions that mexicans hate you because of trump, but then you whined and cried about how trump wouldn't help california

    they should come legally, not just a ton of people illegally crossing the border dumbass and expecting to be a drain.

    there are veterans and homeless and sick people that have been here that should be taken care of first, mexicans should take care of there country first or come here on normal terms.

    what if I just showed up at you and gigi's door saying hey i need a place to stay, you'd be like gtfo. get real you idiot

    these people are just coming over and dropping off there kids and then wondering why they are held in detention centers.. they should be because there parents abandoned them.

    beaners come over here all the time in austin selling drugs and just get sent back while people here get assinine drug charges, they need to gtfo
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kal Joose Besides, you will be lucky to get a roach infested section 8 100 year old tenement building the way you´re going, Kr0z. in 10 years you might be homeless or living in a tent somewhere

    and why is it you think that peedy?
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kal Joose treva Noah is cool. Heś got a point about a lot of shit.

    I cant believe your part mexican and think like this. You be self hating especially on your Grandma or Grandpa whoever was Mexican. Where they Mexican or Salvadorian or ?

    I'm not mexican I'm american dumbass

    the U.S. has enough problems without having to invite more problems into the U.S. you stupid fuck

    I have nothing against mexicans, I've worked with plenty but they came here legally and not surging and taking up resources, you just made a thread about how texas is going down because of the surge, you really are stupid peedy

    why would I want the city I've lived in all my life to go down hill because of a liberal agenda surge?
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Data Nah it's actually very cool and very macho. You're just jealous little bromo. Care to take the rational black pill fam?

    yeah.. right acting like a teenage girl getting told he needs to leave from his job and have a woman pick him up is totally macho.. guy who takes it up the asshole
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    like seriously does anyone here think that what he did was in anyway reasonable? he hasn't even said why he did what he did, its just an attention whoring thread he made. He's lucky he didn't get taken away by the cops to the mental hospital because he's obviously psycho, i thought he was smarter than that but this is pathetic.

    waaahhh im depressed and cut myself a lil bit and showed up to work like a cry baby and had to have a woman come pick me up that will probably leave me for being a lil bitch waaaahh!
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Data ITT: Bill Krozby is shitposting instead of being a father to his daughter

    Aldra can do whatever he wants with his life and blood and benzos, because he doesn't have a kid

    Get it yet Bill Krozby?

    this thread isn't about me, lil idiot. this thread is about aldra being a bitch attention whore, he's the one that made the thread not me.. okay so try to stick on topic butt boi

    like lets just be real here, it is pretty bitch made to cut yourself in your late thirties and show up to work saying "NO U!" and they have to call a woman to come pick him up.. it obviously wasn't serious, he was just being a dumbass showing up to work and looking like a dumbass, quit deflecting.
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