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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    pig destroyer
    municipal waste
    anal cunt
    the meat puppets
    jay reatard
    ringo deathstarr
    napalm death
    the melvins
    jesus and mary chain
    the cure
    best coast
    skinny puppy
    cheap trick

  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Posters nobody misses, ever:

    that derp-eyed crippled nigger communist that I can't remember his name right now.
    The Dark Rodent…ah, fuck, never mind, I forgot that he found his way here…

    constantinople is cool, just to cool for you fags, even ws and jermaine think so. dat texas fam =)
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    nice history rewrite bruh

    yeah whatever cocksucker, he personally came on to tc and let me see him, and credited me. You're a dumb faggot
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    When miss mary jane rotten crotch would meet you witha nice slice of that pussaaay pie without having to give you a speech on why she shouldn't shave her dirty pits, and niggers were tied to the hitches of trucks and dragged for miles, you could comfortably get drunk off of whiskey and beat your bitch when she got out of line and the cops would just ask her (what did you do to piss him off lil missy?) or when we just had that good ol doo wop boop diddy bop goin' on.

    Really though, just what ever happened to america? We have are niggers not being shot enough for being faggots (bradleyb) just running amok. Just really whatever happened?

  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I like godlikeproductions
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    >Paying child support and havig visitation rights
    >Being a good father

    Pick one.

    And your daughter is a total qt too, shame on you fam.

    Hey its not an ideal situation and I would love to spend more time with her. But her mother and the courts are a mother fucker.

    If I could pick just one it would be to be a good father and not pay child support. (The state gets a cut) But that's not an option.

    Sometimes there are two options pay child support and be a good father during the measeky amount of time you're allowed to see your child.

    Women have way more rights than men in almost all types of child support/divorce/custody sticky situations.

    A woman can even just give up her child like its nothing. With no consequence. A guy can't as easily do that. But anyways enough about my kid, get back onto topic you apes

  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    again you're drunk... and this will be my final response towards this thread..

    I cherish all my past relationships for what they were and reflect on them often, not in a depressive way, but I appreciate the beauty and love, the love that will always be with me no matter what.

    really though, honestly I wish the best for you with you and your girl. good luck m8
    my whole point in my post is relationships aren't as black and white as the media portrays them and not everyone is meant to get married and stay together forever. Love can be a very fleeting thing just like life, you can fall madly in love with someone and feel on top of the world then they leave you because you're not what they wanted in the end. You can find that someone and they love you just as much, but they die. and you're left alone.

    , but it is still very real. people may think I'm a "hater" and a "dick" but I really would never trash any ones love, more power to you if it works out they way you planned it. Just realize everyone has a different bath thats who I am.

    I'm a hopeless romantic, it's just who I am. Again good luck brah.

  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    yeah this website is a massive piece of shit nothing works

    calm down fag, its nothing you didnt already know weeks ago
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^again you're 22 and have no leg to stand on to talk to me about such topics, go to bed lil nigga
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^you sound like a dumbass you should get your facts straight lilbitchassnigga, I pay child support and have custody rights and see my daughter regularly, I was there when she was born, went to all of her prenatal doctors appointments with her mom because I wanted to, have met her parents, my parents met her and gave her toys when she was born. I admit it's not the most perfect situation but you really are talking out of your asshole right now.

    And sure I had sex w two girls that were apart of zoklet/rdfrn. But I met them in real life before they ever knew of my online persona and joined the website , (thats like saying I shouldn't have parents because they new about totse when i was 15 because I lived in the same household as them) idiot.
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    [FONT=inherit]Thats good and fine so long as you let your S.O. know that being faithful will not be something you partake in. If you havent pre-aranged the fact that you sleep with who you want when you want no matter what your woman wants, then you are definitly a horrible person. Either way, simply from seeing you posts through the years I can tell this, you, nearing 30, still have the mindset of a 15 year old when it comes to women. Although you have a child you seem not to let that be an important factor in your life. Maybe you werent ready for it. Maybe you dont want to face it. Whatever the case its obvious that you are stuck in a pre-child, pre-serious relationship era and until you come to realize that what you are doing isnt working, you wont really be a fulfilled human being.

    Anyway, im drunk and dont know what I was getting at. Either way, my inb4 was absolutely correct except for the fact that it wasnt so much about you getting mad puss but more about your attachment to the idea of getting mad puss.

    On topic, I have been with the same woman for over four years, since I was in highschool. Never once have I cheated on her. TBH I broke up with her for a short while when I entered college because two other chicks were comming onto me and I wanted to fuck them. One was a real life incarnation of my (incredubly strange) fantasy of fucking a super liberal socialist/feminist chick (im uber conservative and got turned on by the idea of making a super leftwing chick my bitch and converting her to the right. Fuck, now that I typed that it sounds like 50 shades of weird). The other one was this chick who literally had multiple personality disorder along with a slew of other mental problems that told me the only limit if we had sex was I couldnt bind her (kek, i planned on binding her hands to her feet and fucking the shit out of her) but its okay because at that time in my life I was a straight up sociopath. Am I still? I dont know, but what I do know is that I am drunk and the only reason is that I have no other inebriants to dull my pain. TLDR I came condom close to fucking the socialist and realized that my one true love was exactly that. I worked to get the love of my life back. We have since moved in together and have been planning the rest of our lives together.

    Fuck, I still have a lot of issues to work out. I suppose thats the great thing about being more fucked up that the Columbia shuttle launch. I get to figure out my issues.

    BTW my current drink is an 8 second pour (with nozzle) of evan williams burbon and cranberry sprite. It cant tell if its good or bad so I keep drinking them.



    ive always let my significant other know where she stands with me, Despite everything I've gone through I bet I could give some of the most honest and helpful advice towards relationships more than most people on this site. I'm not perfect, but I have a lot of experience through, love, loss, and understanding.

    you should quit projecting

    being as how you're drunk and you're admitting to talking out of your ass and have a lot of issues to work out, mabye you should come back to this thread when you're sober. mmmmmk??

    Anyways how old are you by the way?
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^well if you do then thats just :A: okay with me *self cringe*

    and by the way EDM is the only scene that celebrates it self.

  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink you can find ebagger and myself , we are e-butt buddies here.. =(
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    That's a very long and convoluted way of saying you're an asshole.

    You can take it that way I guess. But I'm a free person not bound to anyone. I can see whoever I want whenever I want. Sorry if you don't understand that because you're a simpleton and pray on little girls because you're an obvious fat fuck with woman like characteristics.
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^so edgy faggot, sounds like you're butt hurt and beat emotionally about me picking on you over the internet. empty threats are.. well.. empty..

    you live in a delusional world where you think you have any influence, over niggasinspacemembers, lollies, being a l33t haxxors, when you're really just a fatass. You're almost as bad as spectral. Not surprising really

    you're a bitch... now thats some top lel kek shit right their fam!
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    What I was getting at is I've had lengths of time of seeing and only wanting to see a particular girl. But relationships can change and thus my expectations/behavior within that relationship.

    example: only saw a paticular girl for several months, realized I didn't like her the same.. so I started seeing other girls.

    I don't believe in marriage, but I don't mind having a dialoge about where we are at within the relationship
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^i fucking love LA
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I dont think you should flatter yourself so much. Especially when you bear an uncanny resemblance to sploo.

    im just going by what people tell me. I do have a long skinny cartoonish body

    people have told me all the time I look like dave ghrol/john frusciante .. but just because I fit the archetype of having long dark hair and a beard.

    but now within the last 9 months since I've gained twenty lbs I dont know who i look like anymore. Patrick swayze?
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