Last night I was at work and kind of bored so I went next door to get a shot and when i was coming out i saw this other guy i work with a younger guy he's like 19 and I asked him for a cig, he gave me one and then he asked if i wanted to smoke. (I dont normally smoke anymore) and some cops rolled up as he gave me the pipe in the alley, and I told him I was afraid to hit it, he told me, "fuck them, just hit it and hand it back to me" so I hit it and handed it back to him and this cop started walking towards us (they were really there for the blacks) and said what are you guys doing? and I instinctively said "none of your business" and handed my friend back the pipe and then he started running towards us so we ran about four blocks away and got a drink at a hotel down the street and walked back.
They recently came out with a new album (i thought they were dead) and they have lockett pundt back in the band (the last album I really didnt like, microcastles will always be a classic though). You can really tell which songs had his influence, I like bradford cox, but at the same time he's gotten into a nitch thats a lil to jam bandy for me, but hey its his art and its better than a lot of current music.
Heres one of my older faves and then here is one of my newer faves fam
They got dat mat demarco guitar dats so popular now.
ITT: Bill Krozby doesnt even have an extra 5 bucks lol
You literally told him you would "Paypal his ass five bucks" if he gave you his info, which he did, then you claim that you arent of a homosexual enough persuasion to use such a service. I doubt that it has anything to do with your faggotry and more to do with the fact that 1. you dont know how to use paypal and 2. you dont even have 5 extra dollars to settle a bet.
You "literally" don't know what "literally" means. I asked for his address. I just can't be arsed to make a paypal account for some fuck nut thats been bitching for 5 dollars for over a month. I have a christmas card and an envelope and stamps and 5 bucks here at my place. The funny/sad thing is I probably have more money than most people on this site, people on this site like captain faggot, lanny, are obsessed with people being "objectively poor"... and telling me they could have provided money towards my Bill Krozby dogs stand when I don't need or want their money.
*eats his 11 dollar chicken meal and pops open a brew*
Bill Krozby confirmed, yet again, as a huge lying pussy who doesn't even have $5 to spare to settle a debt. Enjoy being a poor faggot for the rest of your life you white trash shit. Enjoy dying of aids at 35. Enjoy being the uneducated vagrant, intellectually barren, societally parasitic waste of life that you so certainly are to the very core of your being until the end of your short meaningless life. My only regret is that you're so mentally fucked that you'll never realize how thoroughly worthless, how utterly stupid you are as a human being, and how your total ignorance of that fact does nothing to make you less of a bumbling intellectually crippled moron.
Purple Rain is one of my favorite songs. Y'all niggers are trippin.
Thats a badass song, I used to work at a psyche hospital ten years ago on the night shift, and there was this old black lady that would just repeat in a monotone voice "purple rain, purple rain, purple rain , purple rain..."