If I keep sittin' 'round on the porcelain throne and nothin' comes out, I'm gonna be real mad. It's like I got all excited to take a shit but then my bladder said, "Hey buddy, time to let loose!" So now here I am with my pants down, ready to get down with some dillies and shut that shittin' window for the night.
^I haven't heard the entire album just a few songs, not really my thing. I can't stand the fact that they worked with skrillex. though fieldy is one of the reasons why I started playing bass when I was 15 and I johnathan davis is definitely a huge influence on my singing style
No, because most people here are not 14 years old.
Thats funny coming from a candy ass who likes "young the giant" thats total kid music that won't be around still touring like korn has for over 20 years. I can understand why someone may not like korn, but they are one of the biggest rock bands ever for a reason. I bet you also listen to bands like group love you queermo, you piece of pork
Don't feel bad Bill Krozby I went through a gay phase too when I didn't know what good music was used to listen to nothing but Korn, kittie, and H.I.M
I don't feel bad, I just still appreciate the music that I listened to when I was a young raggamuffin. I don't believe in things like "guilty pleasures" because I'm not gay like that. I wouldn't have made the thread if I was ashamed of it. Korn was a lot better than most of the rock music today "cage the elephant" "young the giant" "silver sun pickups"
This guy came to my work the other day and was telling me how he just saw the silver sun pickups and I said " oh... I didn't know they were a band anymore.." and he got visibly upset... lol
The asshole hurt in this thread is immense. I actually have great taste in music and more of a life than most people here, go back to playing the mandolin in your parents house and listening to andrew jackson jihad and letting fat guys fuck you up the ass, you goofy haired black cock lover.
meh yeah its my day off, im kind of hungover , i went and did stupid stuff last night like watch basket ball at a bar and call fat chicks slampigs. I'm about to go to sleep now, I'm eating some barbocoa tacos though atleatst
i went to go buy tomato soup at walgreens and this girl comes up behind me basically say "charmed to meet u whut can i halp u with??!" covered in a bunch of whore paint, and it kind of freaked me out because i was tired.
and i said "tomatoe supe" and she couldn't even do it , i found it myself.