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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^sammy d gettin bizzed on the crock, when they pull tha trigger it makes the beat drop?
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by greenplastic just do opiates and benzos for a week or two so you don't even care about sex

    this will work, I did this for 2 years and had no problems with chickens.
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump She's nothing but a bitch that can't run when the grid goes down and your survival depends on your raw physical power and skills.

    this, she has medical issues, and isn't even giving you sex. Does she at least cook well?
    fat chicks are a burden and aren't worth anything other than being SLAMPIGS!

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-01-29T18:35:47.189130+00:00
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^he does love his kids, and by the way I wouldn't trust a study done by the university of texas in austin at all. A lot of students there are huge liberals who will never have kids themselves and are for post birth abortions.

    And there's far worse things you can do to a child without ever laying a hand on them. And some kids thats the only way they will behave, my dad used to spank my brother and I and it was the right thing to do because we would of never of done things the right way.

  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Post your address and I can help remove some more stuff from inside him, like his heart.

  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RestStop Yeah Bro Thanks for asking I've been alright lately how about you? Been meaning to come back for ages but seems all my accounts are logged out of and I can't remember any of my passwords for shit but funny enough this is the one account I'm still logged into..Glad lanny fixed the login time thingy.

    I'm doing alright just been staying busy and trying to get my probation bs out of the way so I can be an individual again.
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    posting in a faggot thread lol
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RestStop Lol, I knew I'd get a few laughs and feel better after coming here…been too long brahs.
    Back to the subject though I was probably closer to the spoiled kid with the alcoholic parents only they were my mom's parents. Even though my grandfather was physically abusive to some extent he was the type of person to throw gobs of money at his problems his major and main problem being me.

    I probably got 400 or 500 a month in cash/worthless shit I thought I needed at the time. I always had cigarettes/weed/new clothes starting around 7th grade. I had friends who would work all weekend as farmhands and do grueling work on all their free time off from school so without fully realizing it at the time I to some limited extent appreciated the leisurely stroll I had through middle school and high school.

    Dude I was wondering where the fuck you have been. Are you doing alright?
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Lanny It's called

    your dad's penis

    You're an idiot
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Discount Whore ^beats women

    Your point? I also beat fatasses such as yourself
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Why are you catholic?

    Well, its kind of hard to explain, but it's just something within me. I was baptized at a Presbyterian church when I was a kid, but I found the whole thing to be very superficial and watered down, which Catholicism isn't at all. I believe in praying for the dead and that jesus was an actual person from many years ago. I'm getting sleepy and can barely type, but I'd be willing to go into in further depth later.

    and on a side note, jedis don't promote their own religion the way other religions do. They only do it through media.
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    Originally posted by Lanny There's not much to discuss with paranoid schizophrenics to be quite honest family

    except you have the urge to show up in all of my threads where I'm trying to have a discussion just to shit on it. And by the way you need to step up your game, calling me a paranoid schizophrenic is getting boring.

    But hey what should I expect from a big fat liberal. Definitely not intelligence
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Lanny everything about this post is horrible

    again another assclown with "witty" one liners who doesn't care for a discussion or care to explain his reasoning.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-01-29T09:20:13.628372+00:00
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Discount Whore That's the great thing about religion. The people just control themselves. Far easier to have the general populace guided by religion than to try and cram them into your dictatorship.

    True, I personally am catholic but I think church is a silly idea for the most part and not something I want to be apart of ever. lol
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Sophie If feminists love Islam so much they should move to Saudi Arabia. And be forced to wear a burka/hijab/whateverthefuckthesandniggerscallit or be beheaded.

    Yeah, but feminist have a tendency to not think ahead, they don't look too far other than abortions and birth control and man spreading.

    I don't think islam is inherently wrong I know many people of all religions that are sane and rational people, but it just goes to show you how fucked up places like Saudi Arabia and how they use such a powerful tool for mind control.

    Most people in the US that go to church, I believe aren't real Christians. Muslims (the radicals) hate christians, but they respect jedis more because Judaism is actually an anti religion, they are much like feminist, they only want to look at whats in front of them, and thats why their god is the all mighty dollar (which isn't even real)

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-01-29T09:13:44.771422+00:00
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    of course deportation is real, I was being dramatic to prove a point how is a system ruled by democrat bureaucrats. Sorry you're too simple to understand that.
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Discount Whore If it makes you feel any better, my oldest son threw up into his McDonald's sandwich today.

    I don't see why you're always trying to make me feel better. How old is your oldest son by the way?
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ITT mgtow fags who have been supremely butt hurt by women
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