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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^he told us a story about fishing awhile back and it was a good story and he also told us a story about being a preacher man
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver Is that how you live with your imagined fears? By imagining your self superior to others?

    The guy can't help himself
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Snoopy finally cracked when they homed in on his bald wife. Poor, dumb kid.

    his wife my of been bald but she had a sexy bod
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver I haven't thought about his kid in forever. But fuck, I just found out him and I were born 8 days apart. Hell, he is still jumping. The video is from Dallas on 08AUG16.

    Remember this kids the next time you think about underestimating an "old man". LOL

    this ones pretty good

  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^do you like robby kneivel? my friend is his photographer and I got to say whats up to him one time, he was chill as fuck
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Fox Paws What does it matter where you were? Are you trying to find the girls for sexual reasons or

  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Christ you are so fucking boring. What difference does it make what the god damn cat was wearing, AND the reason why it was wearing that?? In fact it looks like that whole first part of the story had nothing to do with the rest of it, other than the fact that it's ALSO an event that happened during your lifetime.

    Are you fucking 5 years old? Can you not sort through your own internal dialogue well enough to separate inane bullshit from the actual point that you're trying to communicate?

    That whole wall of verbal diarrhea could have been compressed to maybe one paragraph and possibly could have been interesting enough to even read. MAYBE.

    My god you're just a username on a screen and I fucking hate you. How can anyone in real life stand to be around you for more than 10 seconds.
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Christ you are so fucking boring. What difference does it make what the god damn cat was wearing, AND the reason why it was wearing that?? In fact it looks like that whole first part of the story had nothing to do with the rest of it, other than the fact that it's ALSO an event that happened during your lifetime.

    Are you fucking 5 years old? Can you not sort through your own internal dialogue well enough to separate inane bullshit from the actual point that you're trying to communicate?

    That whole wall of verbal diarrhea could have been compressed to maybe one paragraph and possibly could have been interesting enough to even read. MAYBE.

    My god you're just a username on a screen and I fucking hate you. How can anyone in real life stand to be around you for more than 10 seconds.
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I remember when I first read about "the bonus cup" on totse when i was 13/14. basically it was just instant coffee with a lot of sugar, later learned it was from a descendants song

    roshambo is a mad man, i would totally drink a blongus cup with him
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by NARCassist tea

    what kind tho?
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I grind my own beans, 8 o clock coffee

    and when im lazy kava coffee

    and i also go to a local coffee shop sometimes when im feel fanciful.

    so what about you guys?

    its just down right amazing how much effort goes into manufacturing coffee

    the only thing i don't like about coffee is the heart burn i get, but the kava coffee i drink claims to have reduce acidity in it, but I'm not sure how much of a difference its made on my heart burn i still feel it.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-04-21T08:24:13.964369+00:00
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon The best way to avoid problems with women is to not be invested into the idea of being in a relationship. There are a lot of things to do in life, if you're an actually interesting individual who can be satisfied with their own life rather than what a woman can bring to it, you won't be beholden to any one of them, and you'll also find another individual who is self fulfilled and happy… And then both of you can have a healthy relationship.

    People who have woman trouble are generally either losers or people who got into the relationship when they were a loser, and have this fucking leech clinging to them and sapping their life energy. Cut them out, go be a fucking beast, and then find a woman who actually deserves you, and whom you deserve.

    So you think if you were married you shouldn't be invested in that relationship? thats kind of weird.. anyways..

    But yeah I totally get there are tons of different things to do in life, I learned that along time ago from my attorney. But being a guy thats into girls and not having a lot of guys friends I still would like companionship.. lol im only human. since I left my ex gf about two years ago, i've seen plenty of girls and could of had several be my gf, but trust me I only invested enough until I saw certain traits come out that didn't make seeing them worth while, and that quite the change for me considering since I've been 16 I've always had a gf except for the last couple years.

    But I digress, I guess according to you most murican men are losers lol considering the divorce rate..

    My parents have been together for about 25 years and they definitely have had a lot of problems but I wouldn't consider my parents losers at all, most of my friends growing up / most people I know have parents are that not together anymore.. don't think that exactly equates to people being leaches / losers..
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    my favorite character was gus, i like the part where the bus driver says "get on the bus gus!" lol
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump

    gonna shove some tissue paper up my wompin nose
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Maybe im just over thinking about this because I'm kinda krunk, but I just got home a lil while ago and went on a walk and I saw this girls in the neighborhoods bangle cat who i used to be friends with, and he wears a vest with a blue light so she can let him out of the her place and run around the neighborhood without someone jacking him. And i was like hey was up huxley, and we chatted for awhile.

    I thought about taking her cat back up to her place since it was a few blocks away and being like hey whats up (i'm not sexually interested in her or anything like that anymore, just do it to say whats up)

    But I honestly thought I'd get an attitude like "well well, look what cat dragged in..." with her arms crossed pointing her finger at me expecting to be standing there in a neck brace with my arm in a sling and be like "im a loser...." but im not a yes dear kind of guy. So I just carried her cat over to her place and through her cat on top of the roof.

    But I've been seeing the nurse for awhile and I don't see her all the time, we will drink and have sex and I will spend the night at her place and I when I get up in the morning and get dressed to leave she will be kind of bitchy, like its not anything that I can pinpoint or point out, but she will have a really shitty attitude.

    She's only been to my place a few times and the last time (I don't sleep a lot I stay up late , wake up all through out the night and get up early) and decided to get on my laptop in the next room as to not wake her and so I could giggle at my shit post / shit on the internet ect.. and some im tee heeing and drinking coffee petting my cat and I decide to go get a morning brew because I havent been drinking as often and its my day off.

    And I come back and all the lights are on in my place and i walk in my room and get on my bed and she's sitting in front of my mirror in my room putting on makeup not saying anything and im just on my laptop sippin and like ten minutes later she blurts out "do you have any fetishes?!" and im like "what??!" and she says is the reason why you went to the other room is because you do things on the computer that you don't want me to know about because you have a fetish?"

    It was kind of weird thing to ask considerding I'm not ashamed of anything sexual im into. It was just a little irritating because I will just hit her up out of nowhere just because I was thinking about her and will be like "hey whats up doll!?" just being light hearted and checkin her oil to make sure she's doing alright and I won't hear back from her for several days, and I'm never tripping about it asking if she has fetishes lol

    like wtf? I honestly would like to have a gf / wife one day again, but I'm not a yes dear kind of guy because thats not the way to be, but at the same time I would like someone im attracted to to be chill with me. I don't have a lot of guy friends IRL, pretty much none,I occasionally will chat it up / jam out with a neighbor or two or talk to guys at my neighborhood bar occasionally that are always there. But when it all comes down to it I just live with my cat and if I happen to have someone to spend my days with its always a woman. But the whole walter mitty thing is total bs.

    I have a neighbor that is a nice guy, but his wife is a total cunt, its like that saving silverman but real. Like I will see him downtown and he goes out and drinks by himself which is cool, but he's never talking to anyone, he's just constantly smiling kinda like he's got raging clue lol.. his wife is afraid of any guy that isn't him, like every guy is threatening and she's even afraid of her own shadow. Like he will go jogging and she will go jogging with some girl.

    I saw him petting pee wee the cat the other day and i was like lol dude thats pee wee the cat lol and we petted the cat for a lil.

    Then like a week later I see his wife she's petting pee wee the cat with her friend and I was like hey how's pee wee, and she looked at me really dirty and said "his names not pee wee" and I was like actually it is considering I named him over a year ago and she stormed off.

    A couple months ago I went into a dyke bar on accident with this girl and he was there and I was like hey whats up man, wheres your girl bud? and he was like oh she doesn't like downtown or drinking but she's going to pick me up in a bit so we can watch "stranger things" and I was like dude that show sucks, and he was just smiling and was like "lol happy wife happy life" and he ordered my friend and I a drink which was really nice of him. But I just get it, maybe I'm just not meant to have a wife ever, but frankly that dude even though is a really nice and "wholesome" guy seems kind of like a pussy.

    This is the kind of stuff that made me run away from my daughters mom, she would just always say "seriously doug?!, seriously?!!!" and her voice would get higher pitched with every seriously and on top of it all she isn't even someone I find attractive anymore.

    Anyone here ever gone through this before or something like it? or seen it?

    Sometimes women really plan on bagging a milton i guess

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-04-21T06:41:55.432450+00:00
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    man all i know is the last 4 days my allergies have been kicking my ass really bad. my eyes are swollen, my throat itches, my noses is running. It's been way worse then it has been in years.
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver Quote anywhere ITT where anyone said blind? Like I said dude, let it go. I'm a vet. You're not. I'm telling you what is happening to people's vision at the VA from taking prescribed doses long term. They are experiencing moderate to severe vision issues regardless if age. You made a statement based solely on anecdotal evidence collected from casual conversations with some older vets that you are acquainted with. I'm telling you what I'm seeing at hospitals and clinics in both the James A. Haley and Louis Stokes VA regions over the last 20 plus years. And a base of anecdotal evidence that far outweighs what you have described. So cmon, find a softer target and let this one go.

    all I know is my vision is fine from taking it... ive been taking it for years, and it only messed with my vision at first. like i remember waking up one time and my daughters mom was yelling at me asking me whats wrong with me and I couldn't remember who she was , she looked different.. and that was about it... it also used to affect my since of balance.. big time.. doesn't do that anymore no matter how much I take. I once took 90 300mg's and drank and smoked weed on top of it and i was able to drive fine..
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 When you first take it, or adjust to a higher dose.. gabapentin (for a "non narcotic") fucks with your vision. It doesn't make it like double vision like drugs or alcohol do, it fucks with your near side vision. I require cheaters anyways but this really fucks with anything 2 feet and less from my eyes to read. it however makes you chatty.. I think the name of gab is because it affects that part of the brain which makes people caddy . I annoy people sometimes but I don't mean too. it even makes me type tl:dr shit.

    You wanna be gabby friends?

    I've been taking gaba for like 6 years off and on and yeah at first it would make me hallucinate but I haven't had that issue anymore. but yeah it does make me "chatty" for sure to this day.
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    what did you stub it on? I have a bad habit of stubbing it on a dumbbell..
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    i need to womp some pussy out real bad right now
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