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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Is it wrong if we all got together and Destroyed Alec Baldwin's career?

    Im just asking. so if it happens it's purly coincidental. but that faggot is backing out of making fun of trump and feers a reprocution for doing this. He thought Hillary was gonna win and then he felt like his top dog duty as king of Hollywood Snowflakes to back off a bit.

    Really.. i'm kidding. I dig Alec Baldwin and wouldn't mind raping his face with our little faggoted Infinity slammen his ass and grappling his nuts

    Just kidding Alec

    i mean just kidding..right?

    But out of curiosity what makes you think he's backing out of making fun of trump? I haven't watched snl in years.. and am just not sure if its something you've noticed he's not doing as much or theres a video about him backing out
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    True story, when john carpenter was casting for "vampires" and called a casting agency he said "send me a baldwin" and they were like "which one?" and he got really pissy and was like "I don't care just send me a baldwin!"

    so they got Daniel Baldwin
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Lol no but seriously alec baldwin is a total tosser of the highest order, check this out how he calls a jedi paparazzi a "little girl" and then walks off with a pink plausible doll

  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Shitfucker Keep calling him Alex Baldwin

  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RestStop Just sitting here listening to old high school songs adema/smile empty soul/project wize pretty lame night tbh fam.

    you should put on some papa roach

  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Discount Whore It's God punishing you for sinning.

    well hopefully god will punish you soon for being a rattex and a cool dude
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Lanny Hey Bill Krozby,

    I know you think I'm targeting you here but I'm really not, I don't want to have to ban you over something stupid like thread placement. Can you please just glance through the forum list to see if there might be a better choice than SG when you're making a new thread? It really doesn't take much time. It's true I talk a lot of shit on the forums but I try not to let that influence moderation decisions, so this is me asking you as civilly as I can, can you please work with me on this one?

    I've been making all my threads in sg since this entire forum has been here, you can ban me if you want, but its just kind of strange you don't do it to other threads, what was even the real point of this thread, to vindicate your bullshit? get lost
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Lanny not an SG thread

    actually it is
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    funny how at 4:50 the old cuck cant even make his bitch walk and she tosses his arm aside
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Well gonts! whats up!
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Gontz is the newest meme, every morning at work I greet everyone with "Good morning gonts!"

    When I wake up to feed my cat no matter how good or bad I feel I feel happy and say "hello gont!/ well hey gont!" or something like that and he says "derpadeeew!" and while my coffee is brewing he's squealing all happily and its a good way to start the day, gont!


  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by infinityshock all my posts are my best posts

    because they are the same as unoriginal as the last..
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Zanick Geez, you really got fucked up. How is it that you find yourself withdrawing so often?

    thats actually the better picture, I don't have the others but yeah my eye was closed shut n black
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Zanick Geez, you really got fucked up. How is it that you find yourself withdrawing so often?

    i guess because I'm an alcoholic lol
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Zanick I'm back at school for my degree after being in the workforce for some time; I'm not involved in campus nightlife in the least. My excessive drinking and drug use was a matter of personal vice, rather than social.

    Tell me, what was your experience like in withdrawing and seizing?

    I've withdrew plenty of times I'm 4 or 5 days sober from alcohol now, I used gabapentin to help ease me through, I've done it for years after being an opiod addict for several years while not drinking. I don't do opiods anymore or at least like 2-3 times every six months if that, but just pain pills now.

    For the most part it was just always feeling miserable, like for example at my job I had last year when I first started they had me working in the mornings and it was awful I would puke my guts out every day and try and have a brew somewhere in the shift just to make it through the day shift, then the put me on the night shift which really helped me ramp up my drinking because I live in austin and I worked downtown so I would walk out of work and go see bands and get drinks, most which were free and because i got out after bar hours id stay awake after getting off work because i just couldnt go to sleep so i drink more brews, kinda sleep, wake up drink, then do it all again for about 8 months and it was a habit that stuck especially because that job.

    Last summer I was at the tax office and I had decided to quit drinking 15 or so hours earlier and I didn't feel too bad, but I definitely wasn't right, next thing I know i wake up handcuffed to a bed asking why the fuck I'm handcuffed and a nurse told me because I had a seizure and tried to fight the cops (lol whut?) evidently they had given me a shot of ativan up my ASS! at the tax office when i was being held down by the cops because I wanted to get up and walk away ( I remember none of that)

    I ent up bitching and moaning and making racial slurs towards the japanese nurse that lied to me about me fighting cops and they let me go, gave me a bus pass back to the tax office, got in my car and and fell asleep at errrr red light home.. it was awful

    and this is what happened to my face during the seziure

    and my wrist were cut up and bruised from the handcuffs, i was kinda freaked out afterwards and then my electricity went off even though I had paid the bill and the electric eels were trying to fix it so i stayed at my friends house down the street for a couple days it sucked soooooooooo bad

  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Zanick I'd like to know what gontz is but unfortunately I am occupying myself this evening with anything but the essay I'm supposed to be doing.

    gonts / gontz its like gents (gentleman) but for weirdo's/outcast , but some may tell you different
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Zanick I'm 18-24, why?

    Just because you've mentioned you were in college awhile back and I didn't know if it had to do with college drinking when you went through that or if it had something to do with not being in college like malice and I (im 29 and didn't start drinking heavily until resent, I had a seizure last summer from not drinking)

    I've never been in school for an extended period of time where binge drinking was part of the culture, not saying that it was for you but I can only assume so thats why I was asking.
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Zanick You're not so alone as you think you are - I've been there, too. At one point I was mixing large doses of Klonopin with what must have been liters of vodka, at my peak. More nights than I can count, I went to sleep neither knowing nor caring if I'd even wake up. Because my clonazepam was prescribed, it was inevitable that my supply would be gone weeks before a refill could be authorized. One week passed, after running out, and withdrawal set in. Immediately after the first seizure, I was blessed with an unusual but serendipitous affability. This pleasant state of mind persisted even after leaving the ER. Twelve hours later, another seizure put me right back in. At first, they wanted to discharge me with a script for more benzos, to interrupt my withdrawal until I could get more prescribed. Upon the insistence of their psychiatrist, however, I was admitted to the neurology unit. There I spent three days (my birthday was one of them), confined to a boulder they called my bed, on a cocktail of IV anticonvulsants that made me dry heave every hour.

    I was and am still of the opinion that this arrangement was wrought by profit-seeking leeches, sucking dry the teat of my HMO coverage, but I had agreed to stay because it comforted my mother. When I left, they told me I'd have to take Depakote or that I'd have another seizure. It sapped me of all feeling except for rage. I wanted to lash out at everyone: the doctors, my family, and even my fucking cat. My hair started falling out and it clogged my drain; I had piss-colored, hairy water all over my bathtub for weeks. I started getting acne everywhere: my neck, my ears, and all over my back. Diarrhea became an hourly occurrence. I would lose blocks of memory and would often have to rely on family to recount many of my actions.

    All I could do was ruminate. Every second of every day I spent pitying myself for the unfairness of my situation. To say I was worth anything to anybody would be a farce. And the worst of it is how it's affected my parents. Watching me seize, almost losing their son, who are the most loving and supportive people I know in this world. Every day, they root for me, after all that I've put them through. I will never, ever be relieved of the guilt that I feel for having done this to them. They are the reason I'm trying to keep my body clean now.

    Please, OP, be grateful that you haven't hurt anybody like that, and please, for your sake, reach out to people. Malice, I've known you for years now and I know it's just a message board, but I can tell very clearly that you have a lot to offer in a friendship.

    how old are you out of curiosity?
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    my mom was also 1/18 cherokee indian you gontz
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ITT: Bill the cat is upset nobody likes to talk to him
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