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Posts by STD

  1. STD Yung Blood
    Putting this in bad ideas because, it is, you know, a bad fucking idea. Yet it came to me after watching a lot of fucked up sex on a website the other way.

    Okay. You get with a girl, and get another guy to then come along to spitroast her. Preferably a guy you don't know, either of you knows, maybe he's bringing over drugs for the chick in exchange for sex. Look online.

    As you're about to cum, preferably you were in her mouth, you pull out, and jizz all over the other dude's face. Has to be done as soon as pulling out to maximise laughs.

    You then run out of there naked before a beatdown is issued on your ass.

    I was looking back and many times I've been with a woman I didn't really know well/like much, and we both found a dude to come over with a drug (usually methylamphetamine) for her in exchange for fucking her. The fact he was getting "free" sex (in his mind) meant he accepted my assertion that it was not gay if I was fucking her too so long as "balls don't touch."

    Have done this all FYI except for jizzing on the dude, that only just came to me and it made me laugh.
  2. STD Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 I’m probably older than you. I was never a mod but I found the same on totse.

    I have the screenshots but right now I'm too drunk to find them. I'm the one man, polydrug toxicity study that huffed raid online.
  3. STD Yung Blood
    Missed you guys though. It's weird as hell to see some of these old usernames, I mean I started fucking up my life when I came to zoklet and now I'm still around and life isn't so much different.
  4. STD Yung Blood
    You can't verify with a credit card in my experience, you need a government issued ID. Google around, you'll find a few uploaded. Use them and you're all good.
  5. STD Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Can I see what one of your ads looks like and then copy it?
    Yes, pics or it didn't happen pls
  6. STD Yung Blood
    Bought toilet paper, bananas, and a prepaid SIM card.
  7. STD Yung Blood
    Thing is, once you've been there, you can't go back to start again. Liquor is never the same, mephedrone, hexen, MDPV, never the same. They warn you about tolerance breaks, to be fair, it means fuck all. You run life at 100%, you get back out, you can't go back to what you did when you started out and expect that rush again. No, you have to pick up where you left off, it's a dangerous tempest, you just have to use what you have learned, and hopefully, retained in your brain. Because you have, right? - ?
  8. STD Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Grylls I remember shadylady
    I came here just to say this. Good to see the spirit runs strong, though...
  9. STD Yung Blood
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked spill it dweeb

    U witha u family

    *chefs kiss*

    Riding solo like Jason Derulo

    (the fucked up shit I did in those kitchens, don't *ask*)
  10. STD Yung Blood
    This kind of stuff brought me to BI back in the day <3
  11. STD Yung Blood
    I love the internet. In the following years, I moderated reddit (Research Chemicals), as well as several darknet forums. I have been interviewed by VICE and by US universities (anonymously.) I've done horrible, twisted things, some I will never admit to, some I may, but all of them have made me the man I am, and if I had my time back again, I would not do things any differently.
  12. STD Yung Blood
    Originally posted by A College Professor will be considering you a member of the fun bunch until proven otherwise
    It is so good to hear it.
  13. STD Yung Blood
    Twelve years ago it was.

    Just out of school, at a loose end, alone with my mind and the internet. I search for totse, a name I remembered from years before that I had once stumbled across. Can't remember how I got there initially, doesn't really matter. I know it was Bad Ideas I found, though.

    I find out that zoklet is the replacement. Sign up. Join the fun in the new Bad Ideas. Become moderator. Enjoy the drama. Wow, there was a lot of drama.

    Two years later, after a short break and under a slightly different username, (Syphilis > STD) I return, this time mostly to ask how to doctor shop for "alcohol in a pill." The year was 2011. I hated alcohol, I wanted better.

    This was where it all started >>

    I did some dumb shit. I made a "huff raid" youtube video, shameful. I guess I wanted the attention. I had my share of serious mental issues at the time. That was a theme for the years that followed.

    Since then, I imported hundreds of shipments of experimental drugs into Australia, hacked government networks (for curiosity, then told them about their deficiencies - and no, they didn't fix it), impersonated some people, poisoned a few others, saved a couple of lives along the way and unfortunately witnessed a few lives lost. Was investigated by the Border Force, was raided by a dozen Australian Federal Police Officers, many times arrested, never locked away, and now, after a long stint of rehab, I'm in university, have my shit (kind of) together, and have a lot of extremely dark stories from along the way with accompanying photos and bizarre mementos.
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