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Posts by HapaGod2005

  1. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    Wash your fucking hands
  2. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    I’m going to buy an oculus quest 2 and start smoking pot again

    The world is ending so I might as well spend my days in a euphoric stupor

    Should I save up and build a new pc and get the vive pro 2 instead?
  3. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by A College Professor looks like hickeys beggin for another hot karl

    Is that a type of hot dog?
  4. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    I’m the only sane person here
  5. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    A retarded hick who uses drugs that rot his flesh

    An inbred Brit with a massive chin who looks like an even uglier version of William Dafoe

    Another Brit with a tiny penis who constantly lies out his ass

    A spic

    Some ugly sheboon with fake eyebrows

    It’s not coincidence the only people that miss him are scumbags

    Losers of a feather flock together
  6. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    Drinking beer while listening to music on the balcony
  7. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by Ghost i just explained its from cooking krokodil "wrong"
    lol what a fucking idiot goddamn lol
  8. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    Tldr op does meth and crack daily which explains the scabs
    The rest is fetal alcohol syndrome
  9. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by netstat you'll never move anywhere because you have no money, no skills, no intelligence and only sporadic bursts of manic ambition

    which is quite similar to me actually, the main difference between us is i'm much more intelligent and tethered to reality

    Says the guy who had to lie about having a friend who worked at the studio where Masami recorded cuts open
    You’re just a boring nobody who lives in a depressive shithole Orwellian country with summers that only last a couple weeks.

    Cope dilate

    Me and wariat are going to start a band and play black jack every night after our shows
  10. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I wasnt sure. his legs are partially hidden in the brush

    This is what rat face looks like
  11. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    How could that be rat face, that guy is taller than 4’2 and doesn’t have meth scabs everywhere
  12. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    wat u fink wariat

    We could start an art group you are in charge of the gay porn and I’ll make the music
  13. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    I don’t want to leave but I do think it would be cool to live a hedonistic life in Las Vegas as a last resort
  14. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    No it’s the best place I have been to.
    I’m sure if I visited the north east or Washington I would like them just as much.
  15. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    It’s even worse than NIS

    I swear that place has been overrun with reddit normies

    4chan died in 2007

    Whatever happened to real 4chan people making music that reflected the culture
    I miss 00s internet so much
  16. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by Ghost maybe that's because you're trapped in Indiana. You should escape

    oh wait you can't lol. Make sure to stock up on booze, the liquor store is closed tomorrow


    Of all the places I’ve been to Indiana is the nicest.
    Sam Diego is a shithole and the other states are similar to Indiana but rundown and full of shitskins.
    If I could afford to I would live in NYC in a high rise apartment or Tokyo, other than that I’m content living here.
  17. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
  18. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    I’m not listening I’m learning because I’m not a mindless sheep like you lot who just mindlessly consumer corporate music and culture
  19. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    look at this hick with ghostly pale hands bragging about his shitty dirt weed
  20. HapaGod2005 Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by Ghost you are the most mentally ill of anyone here and lack self awareness

    shut up faggot

    I’m not mentally ill im just depressed and addicted to alcohol
    Also it’s self-awareness, but I guess you can’t spell something you know nothing about ha.
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