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  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I despised all homosexuals and trans sexuals before not long ago but I had a change in heart, I believe these creatures are the next step in evolution and they are usually pretty open minded when it comes to space, drugs and triangles, you know, important things.

    All i know is HTS looks adorable in that pic, dick or not.
  2. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I despised all homosexuals and trans sexuals before not long ago but I had a change in heart, I believe these creatures are the next step in evolution and they are usually pretty open minded when it comes to space, drugs and triangles, you know, important things.

    Growing up in the East Bay of San Francisco, most people were hardcore homophobic. it was pretty much like texas or oklahoma or some other midwestern area but with lots of rich people and without the accents. Many of my friends parents were coming out to California after WWII or Korean War in the 50s and built the shit out of the East Bay farming area into bigger towns.

    I became "cultured" in the late 70s by a brothers girlfriend who took me to a few punk rock shows (it could of been Target Video or some other club in the mission or SoMa area)

    back then, Mission Rock and Dogpatch were powerhouse industries and buildings filled with asbestos that creative artist took over in the 50-70s. She would bring me to these peoples lofts. Yet many were gay as fuck. I was only 14 so I didn't get hit on (seriouslly at least) and usually its some closeted old "Straight" married faggot who likes fucking kids so I wasn't worried (she often explained this to me at this age)

    Good times. She split and rode off with some Biker. I never knew what happened to her but we hung out on and off for like 3 years.

    The Castro is strange these days. it's getting gentrified by straight hipsters. the Gays are cashing in and moving to mountain communities from what I heard.
  3. Originally posted by Sophie All i know is HTS looks adorable in that pic, dick or not.

    When I was younger, most gays looked like Burt Reynolds but with blonder hair
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 When I was younger, most gays looked like Burt Reynolds but with blonder hair

    Who's Burt Reynolds. You're literally twice as old as me.
  5. Shit, You don't know who Burt is??

    Originally posted by Sophie Who's Burt Reynolds. You're literally twice as old as me.

  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    LOL HTS is single-handedly turning the rest of the community gay. XD
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Shit, You don't know who Burt is??

    Doesn't particularly ring a bell. But ok.
  8. Originally posted by Sophie All i know is HTS looks adorable in that pic, dick or not.

    Exactly. More attractive than females, perfect example of evolution at its tiinest, a fine specimen indeed. Like a perfectly grown flower that suddenly starts producing meth and LSD alkaloids for no reason.
  9. Originally posted by mmQ LOL HTS is single-handedly turning the rest of the community gay. XD

    You are just not evolved enough to understand the complexities of sexuality. Sophie is maybe one of the only ones on here that can truly grasp the significance of our discoveries of things beyond human nature and our current genetic form.

    People like Captain Faggot are just like every trap obsessed snob, mindless animals brainwashed by the jedis to focus on cosmetic perfection and mass media globalist internet age feminism. The only reason why the masses like traps so much and its becoming more popular and turning everyone gay which has become a meme itself on /r9k/.
  10. Originally posted by Sophie All i know is HTS looks adorable in that pic, dick or not.

    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Exactly. More attractive than females, perfect example of evolution at its tiinest, a fine specimen indeed. Like a perfectly grown flower that suddenly starts producing meth and LSD alkaloids for no reason.

    You two flatter me. I'm nothing special. If you look a little bit closer you'll actually see I'm ugly as fuck.~
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Phoenix You two flatter me. I'm nothing special. If you look a little bit closer you'll actually see I'm ugly as fuck.~

    Not sure if fishing for compliments, low self-esteem or both.
  12. YOu may be nothing special, just another human born to live in space, more advanced than the rest but ultimately and simply just a step on the great cosmic ladder of evolution.

    Just when I thought I knew everything there is to know about sexuality you open my mind and heart to things I will never fully understand, I think that makes you very special and unique especially since you are able to breathe life into this dead trash pit with your charm and intellect.
  13. Originally posted by Sophie Not sure if fishing for compliments, low self-esteem or both.

    Mostly the things after the comma. Mostly.

    The dock/pier in this pic really bothers me.
  14. Originally posted by Sophie Not sure if fishing for compliments, low self-esteem or both.

    Ah yes, the one flaw of this creature, much like Woman was derived from the rib of Man in the Garden of Eden, the Third Gender was created from the gunt of the attention seeking female.

    The curse of women being pain during childbirth and transexuals being shameless attention whores and cock teases.
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    HTS, post your pic somewhere and show us the reception it receives.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Phoenix

    ayyy, nice bangs bae
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Lanny ayyy, nice bangs bae

  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Phoenix Mostly the things after the comma. Mostly.

    The dock/pier in this pic really bothers me.

    There simply is no middle ground literally you are either in the sky or in the pond, "inbetween" is a social construct, and a juden hoax.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. Originally posted by Sophie Who's Burt Reynolds. You're literally twice as old as me.

    Yo go watch Deliverance you uncultured heathen
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Originally posted by mmQ LOL HTS is single-handedly turning the rest of the community gay. XD

    I just want to squishle him
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