2017-04-02 at 6:13 PM UTC
My buddy and I were watching it last night.
Robert Wagner was an attorney being accused of killing his girlfriend from his boat. I thought about this for a moment. Art mimicks real life. Natalie Wood. The rumor is Christopher Walkens and Robert Wagner had a gay affair. that's nuts. yet it seems a bunch of people overheard Natalie screaming stuff. Creepy close.
Anyways, I was laughing at the Junky and the hippy talk hollywood pushes into the shows. lame ass tv rock bands. but then I said, You know.. these bands still sound better than most bands today.
And then the part that scared me the most in the show was the longshoreman looking guy. Looked like Charlie Chan mixed with the Hulk. I fell asleep .. I don't know if Robert Wagner did it or not. I'm thinking it was Kimji the Judo coach in white face.
Hell that's hella racist!