POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
j6th was a left wing coup against MAGA, they got away with it for 4 years but this year we will see it come to a boil again and the real truth will cum out to the non believers
Originally posted by POLECAT
j6th was a left wing coup against MAGA, they got away with it for 4 years but this year we will see it come to a boil again and the real truth will cum out to the non believers
Originally posted by POLECAT
j6th was a left wing coup against MAGA, they got away with it for 4 years but this year we will see it come to a boil again and the real truth will cum out to the non believers
Originally posted by Fluttershy
Overstaying a visa. Unless you’re South American, then you have to swim. Oh and a lot of Indians come in through Canada.
South and Central Americans just came in through Mexico until January 20th.
Originally posted by Fluttershy
Overstaying a visa. Unless you’re South American, then you have to swim. Oh and a lot of Indians come in through Canada.
Your best bet is to just come here legally and overstay. Other than that your only options are pretty much either try to get a coyote to smuggle you in from Mexico, try to find someone to ship you into the us in a shipping container (don’t do this ur gonna get trafficked), or visiting Canada and then hopping the border, which is probably the best option but inadvisable for someone who has 0 experience navigating north American wilderness.
Originally posted by Fluttershy
Overstaying a visa. Unless you’re South American, then you have to swim. Oh and a lot of Indians come in through Canada.
I dont have a hate for any culture but Indian people are fairly chill compared to others.
a lot of these crazy people come in and act like you need to feed and house them. not so much in the USA but clearly in the UK. just parking it. usually Muslims who laugh and make money driving for a cousin a taxi and not reporting it because they don't have to fund the Infidels. Not anti muslim but I watched a youtube video recently and them laughing themselves about how they're working the system. its not Mexican in the USA who do this but other latin Americans are doing it. even from South America
some cultures give 0 shits about their hosts and demand women cover up or it's OK to rape them apparently
many Muslims don't act this way. its usually some small tribe of nitwits