2013年、tramp 撮影
This extraction was carried out with 100% ghetto equipment and returned the strongest product she ever experienced.
500 grams of cactus powder was added to a big pot.
Water was added and the liquid was brought to a boil over high heat with constant stirring.
Lemon juice and sea salt were added…
Lemon juice for its acid… salt to assist in breaking down cell walls…
The pot was placed on the stove at very low heat and allowed to simmer for 21 hours. Second photo shows flame
level — very soft.
After boiling for 4 hours, the material was sampled. It tasted positively wretched!
The next day, the material was removed from the heat and allowed to cool for an hour.
This sequence shows the solids being enhancemented from the liquid…
An old cotton shirt was affixed to a small trash can with a leather belt.
Then the extraction was poured through the shirt.
The solids were returned to the pot with more water and boiled for an additional 12 hours.
The liquids from the first boiling were boiled down at high heat.
It was found that the process went faster if the liquids were boiled in two pots.
This stuff requires continual stirring to prevent it boiling over or bumping out of the pot.
Of course, one should keep children and pets away from the hot syrup!
The next day, the second pot of material was enhancemented and the solids discarded.
This material was then boiled down. As the liquid began to thicken, a wax-like substance began to accumulate on the
surface of the liquid. This was scooped out for investigation, but saved. Later, the stuff was simply returned to the
Also, as the liquid became thicker, salt began to crystallize out. This was simply collected in a separate pan and added
back to the extraction later.
Next, a sample of the syrup was placed in a small cylinder and based to pH > 14 with NaOH. The purpose of this step was
to verify the presence of freebase mescaline. It can be seen floating on the top of the orange/brown liquid.
Furthermore, the scent of amine was very noticeable.
The syrup was poured into a large plastic paint bucket.
About 1200 ml of xylene was added.
A kilogram of NaOH was added to a pan and mixed with water. This was then added to the extraction bucket and the
entire thing vigorously stirred with a large spoon.
A layer of xylene was added to the test extraction so I would have an idea about any potential emulsion problems. As
can be seen, the material separated cleanly and completely. Then the test extraction was poured back into the main
To facilitate the removal of the xylene from the extraction vessel, a large pickle jar was corrupted into a vacuum
collection device. A discarded medical type vacuum pump provided the vacuum source.
Close ups of the piping…
A small cotton ball was affixed to the vacuum wand to prevent any solid material from entering the collection vessel.
The vacuum pump was switched on and the xylene carefully removed from the bucket.
Xylene after collection. Notice not only the absolute perfect separation (ie: no water in the xylene) but also the high
level of clarity of the xylene. This is an unusually clean freebase solution.
A ghetto gassing device based on swiTregar's design was prepared from a discarded soda bottle. The device is charged
with anhydrous CaCl2 and aqueous HCl. Then the lid is screwed on and the device shaken. Gas is liberated more slowly
than with the H2SO4/HCl type devices but at plenty high enough of a rate to accomplish complete salting.
This sequence shows the xylene as the gas was applied:
Mescaline hydrochloride on the bottom of the container.
The xylene was poured through a coffee enhancement to collect the mescaline. As the xylene was still extremely clean, it was
turned back to the extraction container for a second pull.
Without removing it from the coffee enhancement, acetone was poured liberally through the crude mescaline to remove the
The crude product was turned out onto a Pyrex dish and allowed to dry.
Notice how clean the material is right out of the gas. Its white, not brown, green, pink, etc.
Weight of crude material: 2.25 grams.
The crude material was transfered to a small Pyrex bowl.
A quantity of ethyl acetate was added to the bowl.
("MEK Substitute" is 100% ethyl acetate…)
Distilled water was placed into a 60 cc syringe and added to the crystallization bowl.
It was noticed that the ethyl acetate and water were not mixing at all, so equal quantities of 99% isopropanol and
acetone were added. This caused all four liquids to mix readily.
The material was returned to the heat and boiled, with continual stirring, down to a very thick syrup.
Finally, the bowl was removed from the heat and placed on the bench. After a few minutes, crystallization began. If you
look at the surface of the liquid in the picture, you can see how it has a glass-like appearance. This is perfect. As it cools,
the pure material will slowly crystallize from the liquid and leave the impurities behind. That's the crystal mass just
starting to form on the surface of the liquid.
Watch the quality of the light reflected off of each of the three final photos… notice how the reflection grows brighter as
the liquid thickens… you can tell when its ready to come off by the nature of the reflection… these three pictures show
the progression really well… when it becomes "liquid glass", it will come to life on its own every single time… its very
Once the material had crystallized, it was rinsed with liberal amounts of acetone and collected on a Pyrex dish.
Close up of the material.
Final yield after crystallization: 2.07 grams.
This was split into three doses.
Each 690 mg dose was placed in a spoon.
The users simply ate the crystals and washed them down with water.
The extraction was left overnight and a second pull performed the next day, however no additional alkaloid was
This dose lasted nearly 24 hours and was the most potent hallucinogen any of us have ever experienced.
Its good to be doing this stuff again!!!