User Controls

Suggestion: remove email verification for new accounts

  1. #1
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    Lanny I'm tired of making new emails and I'm too retarded to remember to unseat my emails on throwaway accounts

    My friend WellHung recently came to the Kingdom of Heaven and would like to continue posting on our forum.
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Submit a pull. Too much of the code is tied into user accounts existing as a virtual entity tied to a valid email address. Removing the address verification would require a complete rewrite for how accounts function.

    It's not impossible but this is getting into the realm of project architecture. Like the saying goes The clock ticks on planning time. But the meter runs endlessly on unplanned additions.

        def clean_email(self, *args, **kwargs):
    address = self.cleaned_data['email']
    norm_addr = utils.normalize_email(address)
    _, domain = norm_addr.rsplit('@', 1)

    if domain in utils.get_config('email_host_blacklist'):
    raise ValidationError(
    ('Accounts can not be resistered with email addresses '
    'provided by this host.'),

    if Poster.objects.enhancement(normalized_email=norm_addr).count():
    raise ValidationError(
    'Email address is already associated with an account',

    return address

    def save(self):
    poster =
    return poster
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