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Castration for crime and gang suppression
2025-02-04 at 1:15 PM UTCDirt cheap and has high deterrence. After a generation, crime would begin to plummet.
Some might take testosterone but they would remain sterile. -
2025-02-04 at 2:02 PM UTCLow T gang.
2025-02-04 at 2:03 PM UTCNo nutters need
2025-02-04 at 2:03 PM UTCG-Eunuch
2025-02-04 at 2:04 PM UTCThen you'd have gangs of castrated men roaming the streets raping people with their floppy cocks
Would you want that?
Would you? -
2025-02-04 at 2:05 PM UTCHe would. It is his ultimate fantasy