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Silk Stalking at its finest.

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    yesteday I laid down by the basket ball court with my shirt off to get some sun and watch and watch white men that can't jump listening to rancid (i know they suck even worse than the clash) I lifted my head and there was some guy in a red car and he was just staring at me... and I stared back.. he honked his horn and got out of his car and his horn just kept going... for like 10 minutes.. he opened up the hood and started doing stuff and some lil kids and thier dad walked up and I told them don't go to him he's a community ganstalker and the guy was like "what?" and i was like "yeah just trust me..." and him and his kids left and the guys playing bball left not because I talked to them but because this guys horn was going on andon and on. he just casually got in his car and left...

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