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40 year old counterstrike admins who get irritated easily

  1. #1
    I play gungame regularly on this one server when theres no one in my favorite servers and this clan that runs the server is called cmg for casual mature gamers. anyways the place is totally infested with admins who are basically the same person as the cheshire cat. lonely, old fat gamers who hold no power in their real lives and try to make up for it by threatening to kick/ban people who irritate them. it gets to the point where its obvious they are just there to enjoy exerting their made up power on others because it becomes the main focus of the game for them and if they really didnt want someone there they could easily just ban them rather than just say dumb shit like "NUMBER ONE RULE AROUND HERE DONT PISS ME OFF OF YOULL REGRET WAKING UP TODAY" its like get real dude you are a counterstrike admin but this nigga over here acting like the principal from ferris buellers day off all like "THIS WILL GO ON YOUR PERMANANET RECORD" and shit lol

    also theres like a couple girls that come in there regularly and they all try to desperately flirt while these ugly hoes just suckin up all the attention

    its pathetic and i try to avoid that server as much as possible but i always go in and troll them because theyre such easy targets that i forget all about playing cs and just troll the fuck out of them by camping hardcore or just talking shit

    anyways heres their forum if you guys wanna do a coordinated trolling event
  2. #2
    i was just remembering how pathetic the cheshire cat was trying to use his zoklet admin position in an effort to get e-laid lol shit was so fucking pathetic its beyond words
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